How to bring down the temperature?

Very many diseases are accompanied by an increase in temperature. Some people feel great at a temperature of 38 ° C, and for some, the critical temperature is also 37.5 ° C. One way or another, one comes to the fact that to knock down the elevated temperature becomes a necessity.

How to knock down the temperature with angina?

Angina is an infectious disease of the tonsils. More often, the causative agents of angina are staphylococci, streptococci and pneumococci. The disease occurs when the body is undercooled, the cause can be carious teeth or diseases of the tonsils. At the same time, the body temperature necessarily rises. There are several methods how to bring down the temperature in angina:

What temperature should I shoot down?

This issue has long been quite acute among doctors. Some argue that before you bring down the temperature, it is better to let the body cope with this problem on its own. There are adherents of opinion that it is absolutely not important what temperature to knock down, it is necessary to do it as soon as possible. Both opinions have their place, because the increase in temperature can be caused by various factors:

What medicines to bring down the temperature?

In the understanding of a person, a medicine is a kind of magic pill that should be drunk out urgently. Undoubtedly, if the temperature really has risen enough and the patient is ill, you need to take steps and give a syrup or a pill. But before you bring down the temperature with the help of pharmaceutical products, try to make it "natural" methods.

To start, water the patient with hot tea or compote. This will give the body the necessary amount of moisture. After a while, again offer a drink, but with raspberries. Raspberries help to increase sweating, and it helps heat transfer.

Provide cool air in the room. If possible, try not to bother the patient very much. To knock down a very high temperature will quickly help alcohol rubbing. This method is not the most pleasant, because the patient immediately becomes very cold, but it works without fail.

How to bring down the temperature, if nothing helped? Candles with paracetamol work very well. It is through the walls of the intestines that the medicine is absorbed instantly. If there were no candles at hand, you can prepare an enema. To do this, dissolve in grated water mashed tablets with antipyretic and enter them to the patient.