Flu 2015-2016

Almost every year, approximately from the middle of autumn or the beginning of the first winter cold, we are trapped by a seasonal epidemic of influenza - an acute respiratory disease, to which all people are susceptible. As you know, every time this disease comes in a new "guise" due to frequent changes in the antigenic structure of the influenza virus. We learn which strains of influenza should be guarded in 2015 - 2016, how to recognize the disease, and what measures should be taken for prevention.

Flu Forecast 2015-2016

Experts predict that this season the leading strains of influenza will be the following:

The most dangerous are viruses of type A, type B virus - more "humane". At the same time, if the population of our country has already faced with the "California" virus, and some have already developed immunity to it, then "Switzerland" is new for us, and, therefore, poses a great danger.

Flu Symptoms 2015-2016

The incubation period of the disease can occur from several hours to several days (1-5). The initial manifestation is a sudden increase in body temperature to high marks (up to 38-40 ° C). However, in some cases, the temperature may increase slightly. Almost immediately there are symptoms of intoxication:

The duration of the febrile period is usually 2-6 days. Longer persistence of elevated thermometer marks may indicate a complication.

Prevention of influenza 2015-2016

The following measures can reduce the likelihood of "catching" a virus: