Pinworms - treatment

It is generally believed that worms in general and pinworms in particular - a disease to which only children are exposed. This is a great error. Of course, mainly children suffer from problems with helminths, but adults also become victims of parasites quite often. Below we will tell you what to do with the appearance of pinworms and how to effectively get rid of this "purely childish" problem.

Worm clusters - diagnosis and treatment

Pinworms are small round worms that can settle in the intestines of any person. The appearance of these worms is a consequence of non-observance of simple sanitary and hygienic norms (for good reason, from the very childhood we are told that hands must be washed before meals, after contact with animals, coming back from the street).

Transfer of pinworms, the treatment of which must be controlled by specialists, through the infected patient. Living in the intestine, the worms lay eggs that can get on the skin and spread to household items, personal belongings of the patient. Flies and other parasites can also carry eggs and contribute to infection.

If pinpointing pinworms in time, their treatment will be effective (will lead to complete recovery). The main symptoms of infection with worms are as follows:

With such symptoms, it is best to contact a specialist immediately who can make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe the necessary treatment.

Features of treatment of pinworms in adults

The main condition of treatment is observance of the simplest rules of personal hygiene, otherwise it will be impossible to get rid of helminths. To heal pinworms at home, it is necessary:

  1. Wash twice a day.
  2. Regularly change the underwear, which, after washing, must necessarily be ironed.
  3. It is also important to take the habit of regularly conducting wet cleaning throughout the apartment.
  4. The patient will have to exercise willpower, trying not to scratch the itchy places (the eggs of the worm can remain under the nails and subsequently provoke a relapse of infection).

In addition, the specialist will prescribe a course that will help as soon as possible pinworm cures with the help of special medications. The list of the most common antihelminthic drugs looks like this:

  1. Levamisole is a drug-immunomodulator. It is considered to be one of the most effective anthelmintic medicines, and is therefore often prescribed with pinworms.
  2. Piperazine - completely pinworms to cure these pills, most likely, will not work. But the drug has one important advantage - it can be taken even by young mothers and pregnant women.
  3. Pirantel and Helmintox are also considered effective medicines for helminths.
  4. In the last resort, Nemozol is prescribed. This drug is too strong, so most often it is prescribed with the simultaneous infection of several types of worms.

Treatment of pinworms with folk remedies

Effective against worms and folk methods. The most popular remedy for pinworms in folk medicine is pumpkin seeds. Using them in food in metered quantities, you can not only destroy the parasites, but also prevent their appearance in the body.

Another means - infusion of wormwood (a tablespoon of crushed grass for three hundred milliliters of water). Fresh infusion is taken in the morning (on an empty stomach) and in the evening before going to bed (before this, two hours is preferably not at all).

Treatment with garlic is also effective. Three days in a row before going to bed you need to take a pair of cloves of garlic, mixed with boiled water. The medicine needs to be washed down with a lot of water.