First aid with sprain

Bundles are strong and elastic fibers of connective tissue that connect bones and joints. Tension of ligaments is such a damage, in which there is a rupture of the fibers, most often due to a sharp movement in the joint, exceeding the usual amplitude. Fortunately, connective tissue fibers are characterized by a high regenerative capacity, so even with their complete rupture, they can fuse. The main thing - in time to determine the signs of sprains and correctly provide first aid in doing so.

Signs of trauma

Symptoms of sprains:

The first pre-medical help with sprain of the ligaments of the joint

To avoid complications and to facilitate subsequent treatment, first aid should be given with the initial symptoms of sprain. For this, the following should be done:

  1. Injured limb to ensure peace, immobility, fixing the damaged joint with a tight bandage, and in case of severe damage - using a tire using improvised materials.
  2. Apply a cold compress (a bottle of cold water, an ice pack, a cloth soaked in water, etc.) to the place of damage.
  3. To give the injured arm or leg an elevated position.

Next, you should always consult a doctor who can assess the extent of damage and prescribe a further treatment regimen. As a rule, when stretching ligaments for treatment, local remedies are used that help to eliminate inflammatory processes, tenderness, swelling, accelerating the regeneration of tissues.