Glaze for gingerbreads

If you need to decorate your original gingerbread, then it's best to use glaze . This thin, but dense shell can have a different composition - from a mixture of granulated sugar with food coloring to a combination of powdered sugar, eggs, chocolate, sour cream and other ingredients. To properly make the glaze, you do not need to spend much time and effort. There are many recipes, each of which has its own individual "zest". Gingerbreads are covered with glaze with a brush, applying a certain pattern, or simply completely pour the baking.

Glaze for Christmas gingerbread



To prepare this amazing and deliciously delicious glaze we pour out sugar into the pan, pour in the fat cream and put on a weak fire. Stirring constantly, cook for 15 minutes, then put a small piece of creamy butter and vanilla sugar into a thickened product. Now we mix everything thoroughly, rub it, warm it until all the ingredients are dissolved and remove it from the fire. Leave the glaze cool at room temperature, then apply the brush on the finished gingerbread.

The recipe for white glaze for gingerbread



Let's consider one more way how to prepare a glaze for gingerbread. Sugar is dissolved in water, heated on a weak fire until the crystals dissolve completely, and then we remove it in the refrigerator for freezing for about 30 minutes.

Color glaze for gingerbread



We choose juice, depending on the desired color: carrot, beet, spinach or cherry, and pour sugar powder into it. Thoroughly grind the resulting mass, put it in the refrigerator and go to the preparation of baking.

Lemon glaze



To the sugar powder, pour lemon juice and heated water. We stir all well until the mixture becomes a homogeneous and shiny consistency. We apply the glaze to the gingerbread with a brush, or simply pour the pastry on top.

Sugar glaze for gingerbreads



Consider another option, how to make the glaze for gingerbread. Pour water into the bucket, pour in the sugar, mix and put on a small fire. Bring the mixture to a boil, remove the neatly formed foam, remove it from the plate and cool it to about 80 degrees. Then, if desired, add fragrances.

Large gingerbread glaze with a brush, and small gingerbreads we lower in small portions into a saucepan with a sugar mixture, gently stir with a spoon, so that they are completely covered with syrup.

After that, pour the cakes on the grate and dry at 50 degrees until a shiny crust appears, giving the products a beautiful appearance and preserves them from drying out.

Chocolate glaze recipe for gingerbread



So, we rub chocolate on the gratings, and then melt in a water bath or in a microwave. Then we connect it with creamy oil, stir intensively and introduce in turn first the white-yolk yolk, and then whipped into the foam protein. Ready glaze we cool for 30 minutes in the refrigerator, and then we put on the cakes .