Green tomatoes - good and bad

Tomatoes are one of the most popular vegetable crops. They can be eaten both raw and in pickled, pickled, salted. No feast can do without them. But before gardening amateurs every year in autumn there is a problem called "green tomatoes".

In unripe tomatoes contains solanine, which is considered a poison. Therefore, it is worth pondering about the dangers and benefits of green tomatoes.

Useful properties of green tomatoes

In tomatoes contains many different vitamins and minerals that contribute to the wonderful life of the body. Than green tomatoes are useful: their regular use in food reduces the likelihood of an infarction, helps prevent the development of cancer cells. All thanks to the lycopene contained in them. And a component such as serotonin normalizes the nervous processes in the brain, which provides an excellent mood.

In order not to cause harm to the body, the use of green tomatoes, they must be properly prepared. Above we already wrote that green tomatoes contain "solanine", which if exceeds the norm, can cause serious food poisoning. To avoid trouble, you need to reduce the harm of such tomatoes to a minimum. To do this, put your tomatoes to heat treatment, i.e. a couple of times for several minutes you need to blanch them.

Salted or pickled green tomatoes: good and bad

In salted or pickled tomatoes, as well as in fresh tomatoes, a high level of lycopene content remains. And also quercetin - a natural antibiotic, which is also contained in them. In addition: magnesium , iron, phosphorus, iodine, calcium. Therefore, such tomatoes are not only delicious, but also very useful.

Salted and pickled tomatoes are required to be excluded: hypertensive patients, peptic ulcers, and people suffering from kidney diseases. Because of the content of oxalic acid in these tomatoes, people who suffer from arthritis and gout should also refrain or at least limit themselves in taking this product.