How long does pregnancy take in cats?

Even if you are not a professional breeder of cats, but just an amateur of these cute furry creatures, you will need information on the reproduction of cats. What is the duration of pregnancy in cats, how is a normal pregnancy and when to wait for childbirth? Let's talk about all this in order.

Duration of pregnancy in cats

To become pregnant for the first time the cat can already after the first estrus, at the age of 6-7 months. However, it is better, if it happens from 1 to 1.5 years - in this case the probability of the birth of healthy kittens will be much greater.

In normal pregnancy, the cat lasts 65 days, and to be more precise - from 58 to 72 days. However, like people, all these norms are very relative. Cats often miscarry and perenashivayut offspring, and this is not surprising. However, mean limits are meant: kittens born before 55 days are most often not viable, and pregnancy over 72 days already threatens the life and health of the cat itself. Therefore, it is advisable that a cat during pregnancy is supervised by a qualified veterinarian.

How long a cat's pregnancy lasts depends on the breed. If the animal is short-haired, this period varies within 58-68 days. Long-haired cats wear kittens a little longer - from 62 to 72 days. In addition, the duration of pregnancy may depend on the number of kittens. If they are 1-2, then the cat is likely to not perenashivat. If the pregnancy is prolific (5-6 kittens), then the birth will take place a little earlier, which is also a variant of the norm.

Calendar of pregnancy of cats

To determine what period of pregnancy your cat should be guided in periods of pregnancy of the animal.

The beginning of pregnancy is counted after 25-50 hours from sexual intercourse. Within 2-3 weeks after conception, the very first signs of a cat's pregnancy appear: she has drowsiness, appetite worsens. The appearance of the nipples changes: they become pink and slightly swell. By the end of 4 weeks, the cat's stomach increases by 2-2.5 cm compared to the state before pregnancy.

At the 5th week, embryos (one, and more often several) already descend into the abdominal cavity of the animal. At this time, they are not recommended to be probed to avoid damage (this can only be done by a veterinarian). The stomach of the cat continues to increase gradually, by 6-7 weeks it acquires a pear-shaped form. Kittens at this time quickly gaining weight. On the 45th day after conception, the size of the fetus is about 5-8 cm, the woolen cover begins to grow. At this time, the fetal movements are already well felt.

The early onset of lambing will mark some characteristic signs. Watching the animal, you can understand that from day to day the birth will begin. First, a day before the birth, the cat starts unusual discharge from the genital organs (the so-called mucous plug goes away). Secondly, the animal begins to actively look for a secluded place ("nest"). This instinct of nesting is characteristic of most mammals. You can help your pet by placing a cardboard box in the dark corner or laying old unnecessary clothes on the floor.

The duration of labor in a cat depends on the state of health and the number of kittens. Contractions can alternate with attempts from 3 to 24 hours. Each cat gives birth to a child in turn, alternating this process by licking and feeding the next born baby.

If the process of childbirth and pregnancy passes without deviations, there is no need for medical assistance. Cats instinctively know what and when they need to do. The veterinarian may need only for preventive examinations or in the case of protracted labor.

It should be remembered that for the entire period of pregnancy, cats are undesirable to take any medications (including anthelmintics and anti-flea drugs).