Physiological basis of temperament

Temperament is expressed in the totality of typological characteristics of a person, which are manifested in the dynamics of psychological processes. We are talking about the speed of the reaction and its strength, the emotional tone of life, etc. The physiological basis of temperament determines the psychological characteristics of the individual - emotional excitability, reactivity, sensitivity, etc.

Physiological and psychological basis of temperament

Physiological bases include the interaction of processes in the cortex and subcortex of the brain of the head. For temperament, the degree of excitability of the subcortical glands is of paramount importance, which affect motor skills, statics and vegetation. The famous scientist I.P. Pavlov in his studies determined that the individual characteristics of a person depend on the properties of his nervous system. The basis of temperament is a type of nervous system, which can be strong and weak. By their desire to change the characteristics of the nervous system a person can not, because they are inherited.

The physiological basis of temperament in psychology is based on the dynamics of processes in nerve cells, the rate of production of negative bonds, the lability of nervous processes, etc. The more a single property of the nervous system manifests in a person, the less expressed the corresponding temperament index. The psychological basis of temperament has a close relationship with the physiological properties of the nervous system. It is biological principles and temperament features that provide a subtle, clear and relevant adaptation to the environment. However, the drawback any temperament property is compensated by another.

The Constitution of Man

Foreign psychologists have identified the relationship of temperament with the structure of the body, the ratio of its parts and tissues. In any case, everything depends on hereditary characteristics and that is why such theory was called the hormonal theory of temperament . To date, a type of temperament is understood as a set of psychological properties that have a connection between themselves and the general for one group of people.

There are 4 types of temperament: