Nemozol or Decaris - which is better?

Helminths are a disaster that affects all organisms, indiscriminately. Of course, kids are more likely to encounter hygiene and parasitism. But adults from worms are not insured. There are a lot of drugs that fight with helminths. One of the most famous are Nemozol and Decaris. Against the background of analogs and synonyms, these drugs seem to be the most profitable: they act efficiently, and can boast of adequate costs. Choosing what is better - Nemozol or Decaris, is quite difficult. The principle of action of the drugs is similar, and yet there are some nuances that distinguish one drug from another.

Composition of Nemosol

The main active substance in Nemosol is albendazole. In addition to it, the composition of the drug includes such components:

The main advantage of Nemosol is its versatility. The drug destroys parasites of different species. Assign Nemozol with the following diagnoses:

Very often, Nemosol is used as an auxiliary remedy during the surgical treatment of cysts caused by the activity of echinococcus.

Side effects of Nemosol

Since Nemosol is a potent drug, it has more side effects than a conventional medication. During treatment can be observed:

Prospects, of course, are not the most rosy, but if strictly follow the instruction and all prescriptions of doctors, the appearance of side effects can easily be avoided.

Composition of Decaris

Decaris is a preparation prepared on the basis of levamisole hydrochloride. This tool literally paralyzes helminths. Parasites lose the ability to multiply and disappear from the body. In the structure of Decaris there are also auxiliary components, such as:

Decaris is indicated for use with the following problems:

Side effects of Decaris

Like most other drugs, Decaris can cause some side effects. And they can look like this:

But almost all of these side effects of Decaris appear only when you use too much doses of the drug and disregard the rules for using the medication.

What to choose - Nemozol or Decaris?

One indisputable advantage of Decaris is the speed of action. The drug begins to work after a couple of hours after taking. But, at the same time, not all kinds of helminths can overcome Dekaris.

The specialists derived a universal formula for complex treatment. Immediately after the detection of helminths, the patient is prescribed Decaris. The drug will weaken the parasites, and Nemozol tablet taken after three days will deal with them. Such treatment, as practice showed, can be two, or even three times more effective.