Cleaning the intestines at home

One of the important functions of the intestine in the human body is the removal of toxins, toxins and unnecessary remains of food. If the intestine is slagged, the exercise of this function is difficult. The general state of health worsens, there are headaches, the complexion changes, other organs begin to suffer. Therefore, periodically it is recommended to clean the intestines, which can be easily done at home. After such a procedure, working capacity is restored, and the person becomes younger both externally and sensations.

Traditional medicine knows many methods of cleaning the intestines at home. For this purpose, the following can be used:

Cleaning the intestines with bran

The value of bran, which is a mixture of the remains of shells of grains and flour, is that they are able to swell and increase in volume when mixed with water. This leads to the formation of loose feces in the intestine, which press on its walls and cause it to empty. In addition, bran has a cholagogue effect. Together with the swollen fiber from the human body, all garbage, including heavy metal salts and radionuclides, is excreted, which is very important in modern ecological conditions. Cleaning the intestines with bran helps to reduce excess weight, which is also very pleasant for those who constantly try to do it, but it does not work. Perhaps in order for the matter to move from the dead point, and the weight began to fall, it is necessary to clean the intestines. And bran in this can perfectly help. Enough two tablespoons of bran 3 times a day. It is important to remember that bran should be well washed with water, otherwise they will not be able to fulfill their function.

Cleaning the intestines with herbs

In order to clean the intestines with herbs you can use:

When cleaning the intestine with herbs, a collection of several herbs is made. 5 tablespoons mixture insist in 2 liters of boiling water, diluted with boiled water and make with the resulting solution cleansing enema. The main thing is not to get carried away. carrying out this procedure not only promotes the removal of toxins, but also removes beneficial bacteria from the intestine, and the resulting imbalance can sometimes be very difficult to eliminate. To clean the intestines, you can make tea from the herbs. Herbs in this case are taken as one by one, and combined in a different combination.

Cleaning of the intestines with castor oil

When brushing the intestines, castor oil takes 1 gram of oil per 1 kg of body weight and is drunk in the evening before going to bed. The castor oil is consumed with lemon juice in the calculation of 2 g per 1 kg of your weight. This procedure allows you to get rid of 4 kg of slag in one session.

Bowel cleaning

Beet cake also perfectly cleanses the intestines. Grated beetroot squeezed, juice is drunk at night. And from the beet cake roll small balls, which take half an hour before eating, without chewing.

Cleaning of the intestine with flax seeds and linseed oil

One of the effective methods of cleansing the digestive system is cleaning the intestine flax seed, along with linseed oil or any other vegetable, to your taste. 100 g of flax seed is grinded in a coffee grinder, filled with a glass of oil and infused for a week. It is taken within 2 weeks one hour before meals.

Cleaning the intestines with rice and oats

You can use porridge from rice and oats to clean the intestines. A glass of a mixture of cereals pour two and a half glasses of water, and cook until thick. Eat as breakfast without oil for several days in a row. You can slightly podsolit.

From other ways to cleanse the intestines at home, you can remember about cleaning kefir, activated charcoal, celery, eggs, etc. It is important to remember that with any cleaning of the digestive system, you need to drink enough water to not cause your body harm from toxins that it will be difficult to take without water. And one more important point - cleaning the intestines at home is still best done after a doctor's examination.