Revitonics - what is it and how to do the exercises correctly?

To look fresh and young, you need not only to lead a healthy lifestyle, but also to train your muscles. Revitonics is a unique direction for the development of the muscles of the face and neck. With regular exercise, you can quickly prevent and reduce the appearance of wrinkles.

What is the revisionist?

A complex of exercises and manipulations aimed at eliminating the causes of aging and worsening of the skin condition is called revitonics. Its founder is Natalia Osminina, who has been engaged in the rehabilitation of facial muscles for many years. The method of the reviton is based on knowledge of biohydraulics, biomechanics, theoretical mechanics and so on. Exercise is based on the principle of adjusting muscle tension and relaxation.

Revitonika has such advantages:

  1. Promotes tightening saggy skin.
  2. Supports muscle tone, relieves spasms and tension.
  3. Helps to restore the face oval, reconstruct the muscular skeleton and reduce the number of existing wrinkles.
  4. Eliminates swelling around the eyes.

Revitonics - the main exercises

Osminina claims that it is possible to engage in the system suggested by her at any age and it is best to start from a young age. The complete complex of exercises the system of the revitonist divides into two types:

  1. Vacuum fitness . For training, vacuum jars of different sizes are used. They help to increase muscle tone, improve blood circulation and normalize the synthesis of collagen and elastin.
  2. Sculptured fitness . Here we mean the usual exercises aimed at working out the muscles.

Revitonics for the back

Many people suffer from pain in the back area and in most cases, all the fault is the wrong posture. Revitonics for the back, spine and shoulder muscles imply the implementation of the Active Standing exercise:

  1. Stand so that your feet are just under your shoulders. The coccyx is directed downwards, slightly strain the buttocks and tighten the press. The body must form a straight line.
  2. During the entire exercise, you need to stretch your crown up and open the chest. In this position, you can be 1-5 minutes. Revitonika indicates that you can perform "Active Standing" not only at home, but, for example, in the metro.

Revitonics for the neck

Exercises for this part of the body in most cases are aimed at removing spasms from the trapezius muscle. This is due to the fact that the tension in this area leads to a deterioration of the blood supply to the face, the formation of withers and cervical osteochondrosis. The Exercise "Frame", which is performed according to the following scheme, suggests:

  1. Raise your arms above your head, bend them at the elbows and fold them crosswise to form a frame.
  2. Begin to stretch upward, stretching the spine, and then, tilt your head down, but the body should continue to strive upward. Remain in this position for about 30 seconds.
  3. Place one hand above the breast, and the other under the chin. Stretch your neck, stretching your muscles. Change hands. Do all for 30 seconds.

Revitonics - exercises on a roller

A simple adaptation can improve the effectiveness of training, relieve the pain in the back, improve posture and even reduce the waist. It is possible for revitoniki to use a ready juniper roll or it is easy to make it yourself. Place on the towel a rolling pin or other wooden stick and twist the tight roller, fastening it with elastic bands or threads. The diameter of the platen should be at least 10 cm. The exercises for the posture are different for the posture of the roller, but the technique is as follows:

  1. Sit on the floor and place the roller just behind the buttocks. Lay down on your back and check that the device is under the navel.
  2. Legs extend forward, keeping them on the width of the shoulders, and connect the thumbs.
  3. Hands pull up with the palms down, connecting the little fingers. Stay in this position for 5 minutes.
  4. After that, turn over on your side and to the side and only then get up, avoiding sudden movements.

Revitonics - exercises for the face

The unique system was designed so that everyone could repeat it on their own at home. Revitonics for the face is based on a number of rules:

  1. Influence on the muscles in the hypertonus, you need no more than half a minute.
  2. In order to return the muscle to its normal state, stretching is carried out, and this must be done slowly and smoothly.
  3. Begin training with the preparation of muscles for stronger effects. For this purpose, you can slightly stretch the muscles in the direction to each other or in different directions. Keep them in this position until there is a relaxing reaction.
  4. To make the muscle accustomed to a new position, the reviton uses a fixation that involves static muscle restraint in the selected position for 3-5 sec.

Revitonics for the eyes

Common problems are swelling and bruising under the eyes, which can be eliminated using a simple complex. First you need to cleanse your face and sit on a chair, straightening your back. Offers a reviton for eye exercises for self-fulfillment:

  1. To warm up the muscles, open and close your eyes. Breathe in through your nose, pulling your cheeks, and letting air out by inflating them.
  2. To perform the first exercise on the examiner, fold the index fingers with an arch and place them near the malar bones. Step-by-step shut your eyes for 5-10 seconds, increasing tension.
  3. Middle fingers put on the inner corners of the eyes and start blinking often.
  4. Roll your elbows on your knees, open your hands and place your face at eye level. Hold for a few seconds, and then, place your hands and repeat the touch, moving toward your temples.

Revitonics - nasolabial folds

Simple exercises help to reduce nasolabial folds, remove the ugly nasolabial border, keep the high position of the cheekbones and tighten the sagging skin. Facelifting revitonika includes such exercises:

  1. Place the indexed and middle fingers folded together near the wings of the nose, over the cheekbones.
  2. Lips form an elongated oval. On eight accounts, open your mouth even more, while keeping the oval. Press your fingers against the cheekbones.

Lipwave lipitonics

To become the owner of plump lips, many women agree to injections, but this is not the only solution, so you can perform special exercises. The gymnastics of the revitonics for the face will make the lips plump and attractive:

  1. Pull the lips forward, and then, the upper grasp the lower lip and vice versa.
  2. Pull the corners of your mouth, as if you want to dissolve the candy. After that, at the expense of muscle tension, try to lift them.

Revitonics for the forehead

One of the most problem areas on the face is the forehead, on which many people have wrinkles. Like to reduce or raise eyebrows, then you need to take care that it does not lead to the formation of ugly wrinkles. It offers an exercise routine that is effective in this situation.

  1. Put the open palm on the forehead slightly above the eyebrows and fix it with the muscles. Raise and lower your eyebrows.
  2. Revitonika offers an exercise to get rid of the ugly fold between the eyebrows. Two fingers fix the corners of the eyebrows near the bridge of the nose. Try to reduce (as if frowning) and relax your eyebrows.

Revitonics - books

People who are interested in this topic can find in the bookstores special literature.

  1. " Fitness for the face. System of the reviton . " N. Osminin. He tells in detail what a revitonist is, a book written by a developer of this direction. Natalia not only describes the exercises, but also talks about the causes of the appearance of the main shortcomings.
  2. " Resurrection of the face, Or Ordinary Miracle " by N. Osminin. The author tells that such a method of the reviton and deepens into the true causes of deformation and aging of the skin.