Nettle - application

With this burning plant is familiar to everyone, even with children we burned our hands and were angry with biting grass. But after growing up, we learn about the medicinal properties of nettle and understand how in childhood they were wrong. The use of nettles is found in medicine, in cosmetology and even in cooking.

Useful properties of nettle

Dioecious nettle has a diuretic, blood-restoring and restorative action. Infusion of nettle leaves activates the metabolism, strengthens the activity of the cardiovascular system and accelerates the healing of wounds. In addition, preparations of nettle normalize the composition of blood, promote blood formation, reduce the amount of sugar in the blood, normalize the menstrual cycle and restore the broken mucous membranes of the intestine. And leaves of nettle are rich in vitamins of group B and C.

Application of nettle

Due to its useful properties, nettles are used in medicine (and not only in folk, official science often also calls for help to this plant) in the treatment of various ailments.

As a blood-restoring remedy, nettle is used for various types of bleeding - uterine, pulmonary, intestinal, hemorrhoidal.

With cholecystitis, lack of iron in the body, gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, gastritis, hypovitaminosis and digestive disorders also use preparations of nettle.

Nursing mothers of nettles help to increase the amount of milk.

Also, nettle is recommended to include in your diet to fill the deficiencies of vitamins. Of nettles make salads, it is added to vitamin soup.

And nettles were used in cosmetology. Nettle is used to purify the skin of the face from acne, to strengthen hair, and the seeds of nettle help women to solve the problem of undesirable vegetation on the body.

Nettle for the face

To get rid of pimples and acne use fresh juice of nettle. To make it, the nettle leaves need to be washed and squeezed juice with a juicer or meat grinder. After impregnated with juice, wadded disks should be applied to the problem areas of the skin. Due to its wound healing properties nettle not only relieves acne, but also the traces of them will help to disappear more quickly.

Since various skin diseases are often associated with a metabolic disorder, it is recommended to take the infusion of nettle inside to cleanse the skin of acne. To make it, you need to pour a tablespoon of dried nettle leaves with 250 ml of boiling water and insist for one hour. Take infusion requires a tablespoon three to four times a day.

Nettle is also suitable for the care of oily skin of the face. For these purposes, prepare a lotion: a tablespoon of nettle juice per 100 ml of vodka or alcohol.

Masks from the nettle are useful to do with dehydrated (dehydrated) and toneless skin. A tablespoon of milk at room temperature should be mixed with a tablespoon of dry nettle. Leave the mixture for 10 minutes, and then add the egg yolk and mix. Wash the mask after 15 minutes. Owners of oily skin, this mask is also suitable, but instead of yolk you need to use protein.

Nettle is a part and a rejuvenating mask. First prepare a mixture of equal parts of rose petals, nettle leaves and chamomile flowers. Now you need to add 2 cups of warm water to the cups and send it to the water bath for 15 minutes. Once the mask has cooled to room temperature, apply on face, rinse after 30 minutes.

Nettle for hair

Still our grandmothers used a broth of nettle for strengthening hair. To do this, 100 grams of nettles are poured with a liter of water and boiled for 10 minutes. A filtered decoction needs to rinse the hair after washing.

Also, masks from nettles are good for the health of hair. For greasy hair, a mask of nettle with salt (sea or cooked) is suitable. A glass of fresh, crushed nettle leaves should be mixed with a teaspoon of salt. As soon as the salt dissolves, the mask put on the roots of hair and leave for 45 minutes.

To restore and strengthen the hair you need a mask of nettle with yeast. A glass of decoction of nettle (along with the leaves) should be mixed with 50 g of yeast, 3 tbsp. spoons of honey and 3 tbsp. spoons of olive oil. After 20 minutes after application, the mask is washed off with shampoo.

Nettle seeds are used to remove unwanted hair. 40 grams of seeds to grind, pour 100 ml of vegetable oil and send to a dark place for 2 months. Obtained oil must be filtered and lubricated by the places from which it is required to remove the hairs.