Sign of the Zodiac Libra - detailed characteristics and compatibility with other signs

Zodiac sign Libra is the seventh sign of an astrological horoscope. It corresponds to people born from September 24 to October 23. The symbol is a golden color scales, i.e. the basis of the sign on the one hand is the balance in all manifestations and aspects of life, and on the other, the swinging bowls are from optimism to the gloomy sense of the world.

Characteristics of the sign Libra

General description of the sign of the zodiac Libra can be expressed as a desire for harmony. With age, problems with alcohol can begin, laziness and a tendency to overeating is manifested. The periods of active work and painstaking work are replaced by a state of "nothingness." Then again, Libra gives herself to work. Philosophical worldview and reluctance to solve problems "from a swoop" helps to build an even flow of life. People under the sign of Libra are not inclined to hasty conclusions. It may seem that the question is postponed, but when the decision comes it will be final.

Zodiac sign man-Libra - characteristic

Libra sign of the zodiac man invented and perfected the concept of "love story." He can seduce almost any woman, but having won it, Libra does not imagine what to do next? Do I need to marry, or leave it as it is. It's amazing, but Libra man never regrets the parting, and it's almost impossible for him to "break the heart". He quickly forgets not only former girlfriends, but also ex-wives. But due to his indecisiveness, he can easily become a victim of a female predator, who decided to marry a long-thinking Libra man.

Zodiac sign woman-Libra - characteristic

Libra sign of the zodiac woman figure ambiguous - she can be a gentle forget-me-not in a romantic dress, or a determined pragmatist in a trouser suit . The male type of logic allows her to compete on an equal footing with any partner, but the natural femininity and tact will not allow her to win a man who has interested her, at least until the end of the honeymoon. The most expensive for such a woman is her beloved man, the sign of the zodiac Libra is categorically contraindicated loneliness. For her, marriage is extremely important, the rules will be very strict.

Zodiac sign Libra - children

The children of this sign are the most peace-loving, strive for harmony in everything, for balance in relationships and with parents and friends. Characteristics of the sign of the zodiac Libra by age:

  1. Preschoolers. Lovely, problem-free babies, sleep well and enjoy the people around them.
  2. Younger schoolchildren. Try to make friends with all classmates, for them there is nothing more expensive than communication.
  3. High school. They begin to develop actively as individuals, hobbies change, interests change.
  4. High school students. The difficult adolescence in the children of Libra is not so pronounced, the desire for balance will not allow rushing to extremes. But if a child gets into a "bad" company with criminal inclinations, it will not be possible to pull out violently, it will be necessary to act calmly, tactfully, without scandals and explicit prohibitions.

Scales - compatibility with other signs of the zodiac

The most ideal union for Libra is a union based on the mind, intellect and identity of emotions. If such an ideal partner can not be found, then Libra is disappointed and refuses active searches. Sign of the zodiac Libra - compatibility:

  1. With Aries . The woman of Libra sees in Aries a strong knight and protector. The man of Libra will find in Aries a passionate lover. Aries complements Libra, giving what they do not have.
  2. With Taurus . With not frequent meetings such an alliance will be the best friendly example, and they will be able to carry this friendship through the years.
  3. With the Gemini . Here everything will be built on the intellect and the struggle of the minds. Gemini is rarely bored with Libra intellectuals. The union will be ideal, as long as there is consensus.
  4. With Cancer . To both signs from each other, it is more important to have a partnership, a connection. Family business will bind such a union stronger than love. At the same time, intelligent Libra will have a significant advantage over Cancers.
  5. With Leo . Feelings in such a pair do not break out suddenly, they develop gradually, creating a solid foundation based on openness, friendship and confidence in the partner.
  6. With the Virgin . Virgo will always be drawn to Libra as a generator of ideas and an intellectual. But sometimes in Virgo, not adoration and veneration flare up, but the real "black envy".
  7. With Libra . The most short-lived alliance in family life , work, business, friendship. That is, in everything.
  8. With Scorpio . Here everything depends on Scorpio, he decides whether to be this relationship, and how long they will last.
  9. With Sagittarius . It does not matter which partners have age, what origin, what status - they will always find something in common. Both are slightly perfectionists, both are looking for harmony.
  10. With Capricorn . Scales and Capricorns can be colleagues, employees, have a common business, but that's not enough to create a family. True, if such a union continues, then Capricorn here will act as an endless adviser, and Libra is a patron to whom one can always turn for help.
  11. With Aquarius . As a teacher will perform Libra, from their maturity and wisdom awaken depend on the relationship in pairs. Aquarius will constantly evaluate and check Libra.
  12. With Pisces . In this union, Libra will decide how long the relationship will last and whether it should be started at all. Such a love affair will become a bright unforgettable flash, but it will quickly go out.

Sign of the zodiac Libra - stones, talismans

Additional help for attracting happiness, prosperity and luck can be stones, suitable for the sign of the zodiac and talismans. What is the stone of the zodiac sign Libra?

  1. Malachite is necessary for the people of art, it enhances talent, but at the same time leads to harmony the rebellious creative soul.
  2. Aquamarine will help to cope with extremes in the mood, it will settle disputes, smooth out conflicts.
  3. Amethyst will help in the development of intuition and intelligence, can enhance the properties of memory, useful in school.
  4. Opal - this is the main stone of the sign of Libra, it is necessary for internal balance, can calm doubts and lead to harmony internal scales of this sign.
  5. Tourmaline opposite will outweigh the internal scales in a positive way, will give rest, will help to control emotions and mood.

A common talisman for all Libra will be the heart and scales. Ideal will be to purchase jewelry from a suitable stone in the form of a heart or weights. From ancient Greek, Scandinavian or Japanese symbols, the sign of the zodiac Libra can choose a talisman in the form of a frog, the all-seeing eye of Odin or Amurchik. When choosing a talisman or an amulet, it should be remembered that the talisman is designed to attract the necessary positive qualities to its owner, and the amulet opposite to repel the bad, to protect from the negative.

What element is the sign of Libra?

Air - the element to which the zodiac sign Libra. He defines their changeable and unstable character. Close representatives of the sign can envelop the unostentatious air attention, but only until he is in a good mood, as soon as the internal scales lean into the negative, the cloud of solicitude turns into a suffocating smoke of obsession. All knowledge Libra is given easily, as it were from the air. All sorrow dissipates like a fog.

The planet of the sign Libra

People born under the sign of Libra belong to the planet Venus. This it affects their love of comfort, beauty, comfort, luxury. On the other hand, they can easily give up all this for the sake of love and will do so simply without pathos and tragedies. The influence of Venus helps to create a balance between the material and the sensual, between the categorical and the supple. Scales do not endure treachery, the character can change to gross and then Venus smoothes, inclines to compromise.

The color of the Libra sign

Good luck, a positive attitude to life, optimism will bring all the shades of blue and green. What colors are favorable for the Libra sign?

  1. Blue (aquamarine, lavender, etc.) - soothe, will put in order the thoughts.
  2. Blue is considered the ideal color for this sign, it aligns the inner balance.
  3. Green (malachite, mint, pistachio, etc.) - will give tone, help balance the work of the mind, body condition and peace of mind.

Sign of the zodiac Libra - tree

Successful may be an acquisition in the form of a talisman from the tree - the patron of this sign. If the tree is selected correctly - this will add energy to health, vitality. What tree is the sign of Libra? Here everything depends on the date of birth:

  1. September 23 - 24 is the olive tree.
  2. September 25 - October 3 - hazel.
  3. 4 - 13 October - mountain ash.
  4. October 14 - 23 - maple.

Libra - a profession by the sign of the zodiac

Libra is not enough, when work brings only pleasure, for them the material aspect of the profession and the independence that money gives is very important. Entrepreneurship it is better not to deal with them - they are bad accountants and control finances on a global scale Libra will be difficult. Professions of the sign Libra:

Celebrities with zodiac sign Libra

Libra has an incredible charisma - politics, acting, teaching - their element. If desired, they can achieve exceptional success, so among the representatives of the sign a lot of famous people. Celebrities under the sign of the zodiac Libra:

  1. Catherine Zeta-Jones is an actress from Britain.
  2. Michael Douglas is an American actor and director.
  3. Dmitry Shostakovich is a composer, teacher, public figure.
  4. Askold Zapashny - People's Artist and Honored Artist of Russia.
  5. Maria Kiselyova is a synchronist, champion, TV presenter, politician.
  6. Vladimir Putin is the fourth president of Russia.

The sign of the zodiac Libra is more subject to clear observance of social principles than others. In childhood, they form a clear idea of ​​ethical principles, in the future they seldom depart from their views. Libra is important to like as many people as possible, it is important to leave a positive impression about yourself, as a consequence - dependence on public opinion and not conflict.