Can grapes be breastfed?

Each breastfeeding mother understands that during breastfeeding she needs to eat as much fresh fruit and berries as they are natural sources of vitamins and minerals. At the same time, some products can harm the health of a newborn baby, so young women should be very careful about their use.

One of these delicacies is grapes. Although this product is extremely useful, its excessive consumption can harm the crumbs. In this article, we will tell you whether it is possible to eat grapes during breastfeeding, and how to do it correctly.

Benefits of grapes during breastfeeding

Useful properties of grapes during the baby's breast feeding are explained by its unique composition, namely the content of bioflavonoids, folic acid, phytoncides, organic acids, vitamins B, C, H, A, R, K, amino acids and such important trace elements as aluminum, nickel, bromine, potassium, manganese, magnesium, chromium, silicon, zinc and others.

Thanks to the presence of a number of valuable and useful trace elements, grapes, used during breastfeeding, effectively strengthens the walls of blood vessels, positively affects the blood coagulation system and helps normalize blood pressure.

With the decline of strength, grapes restores energy and helps to normalize the psycho-emotional background. In addition, it is successfully used in the complex treatment of gout, as well as diseases of such internal organs as the heart, bronchial tubes, liver and lungs. Finally, grape berries are an excellent building material for the bony system of nursing babies, as they contribute to its formation.

Is it possible to eat grapes during breastfeeding?

In general, the use of grapes has a beneficial effect on lactation and the state of health of the nursing mother. Nevertheless, it is not always possible to eat this fruit during breastfeeding. In particular, many young mothers are interested in why it is impossible to consume grapes during breastfeeding in the first 3 months after the birth of the baby.

So, during this period, the skin of this fruit, which is not digested for a long time in the human stomach, can provoke the appearance and intensification of intestinal colic in the baby. In the pulp of the grapes, in turn, contains too much digestible sugar, which often becomes a cause of disruption of the gastrointestinal tract.

That is why it is absolutely impossible to abuse this fruit during the breastfeeding period. In addition, grape is highly not recommended to mix with other products. Nursing mother should start to enter the minimum amount of pulp in the diet, carefully monitoring the child's health and noting any changes that occur in his body.

If there are constipation, diarrhea and any other disorders of the digestive tract of the baby, as well as allergic reactions, the use of grapes should be discarded. Finally, do not forget that grapes must be washed thoroughly before use. With a normal child's tolerability of this fruit, its daily portion can be gradually increased to 300-400 grams.

As for varieties of grapes, then in the absence of allergies in mom and newborn baby, feeding a woman you can eat any kinds of these delicious berries. Nevertheless, to begin to enter into the diet should be green varieties to reduce the likelihood of occurrence of negative reactions.