Cleansing enema

Cleansing enema is a procedure that involves the introduction of a large amount of fluid into the large intestine in order to empty the colon from stool and stagnant gases. Unlike curative and nutritional enemas, the injected liquid is not intended for absorption of any substances from the cleansing enema. The liquid used has mechanical, thermal and chemical effects on the intestinal walls, it increases the contractile capacity of the intestine, loosens the fecal masses and facilitates their excretion.

Indications and contraindications to the cleansing enema

Most often, cleansing enemas are recommended for constipation, as well as for surgery and childbirth. In addition, the need for the procedure can arise with food poisoning and intoxication, before preparing for an X-ray examination, before setting a medicinal or nutritional enema.

Cleansing enema helps to get rid of stagnant slag and toxins, accumulated due to malnutrition or diseases. This, in turn, causes various pathological processes in the body, so the procedure can also be recommended in the presence of the following symptoms:

Another recommendation for the course of cleansing enemas is the preparation of the body for weight loss, which is also performed with the goal of purifying the body of toxins and toxins.

Contraindications to the procedures are as follows:

How to make a cleansing enema at home?

Consider how to do a cleansing enema correctly:

  1. It is believed that the best time for the procedure is early morning or evening (20-21 hours). For the introduction, you can use ordinary boiled water, but you can also make a cleansing enema with salt or soda. A solution with soda or salt is used for more effective cleansing of the intestine, because The alkaline medium created by this is favorable for removing toxins and wastes.
  2. To prepare an enema with salt, you need to add a teaspoon (without a slide) of salt in 1.5 liters of water, and use 2 tablespoons (without a slide) of baking soda for an enema with soda. The water temperature should be about 37 - 38 ° C. Cooler water strengthens the motor activity of the intestines, which leads to unpleasant sensations. If you enter a fluid with a higher temperature, you can get a large bowel burn. Therefore it is desirable Use a water thermometer to prepare the solution.
  3. It is most convenient to carry out the procedure with the help of Esmarch's mug and use for this helper. If the assistant is not present, it is recommended to put an enema in a pose on all fours. It is necessary to lubricate the tip of the device with vegetable oil or petroleum jelly. After a slow introduction of the solution into the intestine, it is necessary to hold it for 5-10 minutes, and then go to the toilet. In order to relieve the unpleasant sensations during this time, one should perform deep breaths and exhalations, stroke the abdomen in circular motions.