August 20 - World Day of Homeless Animals

Each of us will have a friend who has a favorite pet at home. Many even domestic dogs and cats feed in a cold winter. However, in fact the problem is much more acute. The fact is that the International Day of Homeless Animals is not just the desire of organizations for the protection of animal rights to draw attention to its activities. This is an occasion to turn again to the experience of countries where the problem was solved in part or in full.

World Day for the Protection of Homeless Animals

The Day of Protection of Stray Animals is celebrated on August 20. But to call this date is really a holiday is difficult. It is rather an opportunity to learn ways to solve a problem and apply them in your city, and also learn how to communicate with people and explain to them the origins of what is happening.

For the first time, the International Day of Homeless Animals was celebrated with the initiative of the famous Organization for Animal Rights. It was then in 1992 that they first decided to make this date memorable and draw people's attention to the difficulties that such organizations face on a daily basis. Of course, the initiative was taken up by all countries. Today, many already know about the World Day of protection of stray animals. Some even notice the pattern: the more difficult the situation becomes, the more people pick up the wave and try to contribute.

In many countries, it is on August 20, the World Day of Homeless Animals, the shelters organize an open day and invite everyone who could pass by on a normal day. This is an excellent occasion to take home a pet that needs care. On the World Day of Stray Animals, and not only on August 20, activists organize something like a rally where they talk about various laws regarding this issue, offer to get acquainted with statistics and just help a penny. And finally, it was the celebration of this date that became the way to remind pet owners again that they had to make every effort to ensure that their pets did not become homeless.