Osteomyelitis - treatment

Osteomyelitis is a very serious and rapidly developing disease that can even threaten a person's life. Therefore, it is important to start treatment in a timely manner, and in no case can you treat osteomyelitis at home - from the illness you can get rid of only in a hospital.

Features of osteomyelitis treatment

Treatment of this disease is carried out in a comprehensive manner, including both conservative and operational methods.

The main conservative medical measures include:

  1. Antibiotic therapy. The choice of drugs is determined by the nature of the causative agent of the infection and is performed after an antibioticogram (determining the sensitivity of the pathogen to antimicrobial drugs). In order to create a high concentration of drugs, intraosseous, endolymphatic, intra-arterial administration is used. The duration of treatment with antibiotics depending on the severity of osteomyelitis may be 1 to 2 months.
  2. Disintoxication therapy - intravenous saline solutions, plasmapheresis (blood purification), procedures for ultraviolet and laser irradiation of blood to remove toxins.
  3. Local treatment of the wound is the use of antiseptic ointments, proteolytic enzymes, which help to clean and heal the wound.
  4. Immunotherapy - the appointment of drugs to increase the activity of the immune system.

Surgical treatment consists in opening and draining of purulent cavities, removal of sequestrants (areas of dead bone tissue). Restorative operations are subsequently carried out due to the formation of defects in the skin and bone tissue. Such operations include closure of defects by local tissues, bone filling, osteosynthesis.

In the postoperative period, physical therapy and physiotherapy (electrophoresis, magnetotherapy ) may be required.

Treatment of chronic osteomyelitis

Untimely initiated treatment, incorrect surgical intervention, antibiotic mistakes and some other factors can serve as a transition of the osteomyelitis to the chronic stage.

The basis for the treatment of chronic osteomyelitis is a radical operation - necrotomy. This operation is aimed at eliminating a chronic purulent focus in the bone and nearby soft tissues. This removes sequesters, osteomyelitis cavities, excision of purulent fistula. In the future, sanation and plastic surgery of the bone cavity is carried out.

Also, in the treatment of chronic forms of the disease, antibiotic therapy, infusion therapy, immunotherapy, etc. are used.

Treatment of osteomyelitis with laser

One of the progressive methods of treating osteomyelitis is laser therapy. This method has high efficiency, and also has the following advantages:

In the process of laser therapy, special substances are accumulated in the patient's body, accumulating in the focus of the infection, after which they are removed by the laser together with the affected tissues.

Treatment of osteomyelitis folk remedies

Methods of traditional medicine can be used only in addition to the traditional treatment of the disease. Here are some recipes that are effective for osteomyelitis:

  1. To get rid of fistulas, apply to the affected areas a compress of grated onions and household soap, taken evenly.
  2. To reduce the severity of symptoms helps daily intake of freshly squeezed carrot-beet juice mixed in a 5: 2 ratio.
  3. Quickly get rid of the disease will help take the tincture, prepared from the walnut partitions . To make it, you need to collect partitions from 2 -3 kg of nuts, pour half a liter of vodka in them and leave them in a dark place for 2 weeks. Infusion strain and take a tablespoon three times a day for 3 weeks.