Female hormones in men

Female hormones in men are synthesized in the cortical layer of the adrenal glands and in the testicles. These hormones perform a number of important functions for the body. Therefore, any imbalance and prevalence of any hormone leads to the development of pathological symptoms.

Functions of female sex hormones in men

Female and male hormones are closely interrelated. An elementary example of this is that most of the estrogens are formed from the molecules of the male hormone testosterone .

The significant effect of female hormones on men is explained by the presence of the following biological effects:

Excess of female hormones in men

An excess of female hormones in men is characterized by impoverishment of the hair cover. Including reduced "vegetation" on the face, in the groin. Since female hormones are involved in the regulation of the functioning of the nervous system, it is worth noting that the overabundance of these hormones in men have depressive disorders, frequent mood changes, feelings of anxiety. If there is a lot of female hormones in men, then this can lead to obesity. In this case, fat deposits form obesity by the female type. That is, they mainly accumulate at the waist, in the abdomen, chest, hips.

Often, if a man takes female hormones, then not only all of the above symptoms occur, but also the secretion of male sex hormones is disturbed. And this leads to a decrease in the function of the organs of the reproductive system. Therefore, with the predominance of female hormones in men, a decrease in sexual desire is observed.

It is known that elevated female hormones in men are characteristic at the age of 45 years. During this period, a decrease in testosterone production is observed. It is with this hormonal adjustment during this period associated with an increase in the incidence of diseases of the cardiovascular system, weakening of the immune system, as well as an increase in the mammary glands (the so-called age gynecomastia).