Number 7 in numerology

Since ancient times it is believed that the number 7 - happy. It was always regarded as possessing supernatural power and being the symbol of all religions, therefore it was designated as sacred, divine and magical. In addition, the number 7 symbolizes the harmony of nature, joy, luck, luck, pleasure from life. In this number, people have seen the reflections of many phenomena of the world: 7 days of the week, 7 wonders of the world, 7 great holidays, 7 weeks of Lent, 7 colors of the rainbow, etc. This is one of the reasons why the number 7 is considered magical.

What does the number 7 mean?

Number 7 in numerology is considered one of the most important and is spiritual perfection. This number is mysterious and mysterious, and also has a huge magical power. It is under the auspices of the most extraordinary planet of the solar system, Saturn. People who have a number of life path 7, differ original worldview and creative thinking. In addition, they are endowed with such qualities as patience and willpower, so they easily achieve success in various fields of activity. In addition, people with a given fate number have good intuition, however, they do not always trust their forebodings.

Such people have a subtle taste and philosophical mentality. They are more eager for solitude, are prone to a deep analysis, not only surrounding events, but also their thoughts and feelings . Also prefer to work alone. This helps them to concentrate better and bring the result to perfection.

People, with such a number of life path, have kindness and responsiveness. They help others without expecting any profit from it.

Under this patronage intellectual and very talented people are born, therefore they often become composers, poets, philosophers, etc.