
Surely you've heard about the way to achieve certain desires - thoughts that are directed into a single channel of a dream. And, perhaps, remember another statement: desires are fulfilled when you mentally release them. If the idea that comes to mind starts scrolling in the head without stopping, blocking the rest of the thoughts, then it risks becoming obsessive. And obsessions are rarely transformed into fulfilled desires.

Obsessions are of different kinds: someone wants to get married, someone is obsessed with losing weight, and some people are not given the idea to live with a small size of breast / salary / wardrobe ...

Modern society can be safely called a society with a syndrome of obsessions, because advertising and television every day impose some standards on us, demonstrating ideal people and ideal living conditions. If the picture touches us for a living, we begin to strive to get closer to the ideal seen, because this, judging by the advertising, is not enough for a happy life. And the problem of such thoughts is not that they stimulate us to be better. When a person is obsessed with an obsession, his condition is close to a neurosis, as if the same plate is constantly playing in the head. Needless to say, the result of such an attack is stress and moral exhaustion. Sometimes the result of obsessions can become a serious illness or even suicide ...

How to get rid of an obsession?

Once a person decides to fight obsessive ideas on their own, he automatically decides to take his head by something else. One of the most common problems is that many people try to get distracted not by the best ways: alcohol, promiscuous sexual intercourse, extreme hobbies or even drugs. Needless to say, the emptiness that appears after such a "treatment" is the best arena for obsessive ideas.

If you want to try to occupy yourself with something else, pay attention to those spheres that bring to our lives a feeling of fullness and satisfaction. It can be social activity, creative self-expression or deepening into science. Everything that brings new knowledge and increases self-esteem.

But, unfortunately, coping with the obsession is not easy, and then you will need treatment. Especially if a similar problem occurs as a result of a brain injury or a severe life shock.

First of all, it is necessary to find a competent psychologist who will reveal the true root of the obsession and help you to develop new, positive attitudes. Such an expert will carefully analyze with you the neurosis that arose as a result of obsessions, if necessary, resorting to the method of hypnosis. Sometimes the treatment can take only 1 hour, but sometimes stretches for a dozen sessions. In addition, the psychologist can teach you special techniques that help clear the mind of obsessive thoughts and ideas. Physiotherapy procedures (swimming pool, exercise therapy, electrosleep, electrophoresis, etc.) will not be superfluous.

Avoid physicians who begin work with obsessive-compulsive disorder with discharge of tranquilizers or psychotropic substances (antidepressants). Such measures only muffle the disease, but can not completely cure the patient. They should be taken only in combination, as an addition to the treatment described above.

It is very important to recognize the problem in time, to look in the face of your fear and release in your head a place for healthy desires, goals and aspirations. Absence of obsessive fears and ideas will help you feel like a free and full-fledged person.