Butterflies in the abdomen - what is it and how to evoke them?

For sure, many felt the tickling state of butterflies in their stomachs. Some consider this a sign of great love, others call it love. Trembling excitement and passion generates these sensual emotions, but the questions remain no less. What happens to the body in these moments?

Butterflies in the stomach - what does this mean?

Many do not know for sure, butterflies in the abdomen - what it is and why they appear. Naturally, no one talks about the fact that a person really has insects fluttering inside - it's just an association. Butterflies are lightness, airiness and tenderness, and therefore have become a description of trembling feelings. Women more clearly perceive what is happening and more emotional, so they often manifest such symptoms. Feeling them, you can safely say that you feel a certain sympathy for a person.

Often this is a sign of easy falling in love. Family couples can be proud of themselves, if after a few years of relationships this thrill in the lower abdomen arises again and again. At the initial stage of the relationship, this process makes it clear whether it is worth trying, whether the partner attracts to you, whether you have closer ties. The expression of a butterfly in the abdomen is a signal from the body that you are not indifferent to the potential partner of life.

Why do butterflies appear in the abdomen?

As you know, butterflies in the abdomen from a medical point of view, this is nothing more than the inflow of blood that occurs with an increase in endorphin. The body reacts to the partner in order to satisfy itself and the desire for intimacy, so this feeling appears. The appearance of butterflies is due to:

Butterflies in the abdomen - symptoms

It is worth remembering that the butterfly effect in the abdomen can lead to thoughtless actions. At these moments, the person stops listening to the mind and completely goes on about the feelings. In order to control their emotions , one should know the symptoms of their appearance:

How to cause butterflies in the stomach?

Do butterflies appear in the lower abdomen only because of a feeling of love? No, this is a wrong opinion. A trembling state can cause both pleasant news and anticipation of something particularly important in life. They are difficult to call independently, for this, there must be some impressive event. You can feel the butterflies in your stomach if you recall the pleasant moments of the past, especially the intimacy with your loved one.

How to get rid of butterflies in the stomach?

As you know, butterflies in the abdomen are the reaction of the body to a pleasant situation. Yet one can not uncontrollably submit to emotions and sometimes one must stop their flight at the very beginning. Often this question is asked by married women who are not going to change her husband, but feel them in themselves at the sight of other men. First you need to stop thinking about other men who are cute, and it is desirable and generally to change the thoughts in your head to less pleasant ones.

Many do not know what to do if the butterflies in their stomachs begin their flight. Physicians are advised to take a small dose of sedative to stop and calm the heart, but in no case should you take drugs to reduce pressure . If the question concerns intimate relationships, then it is necessary to stop tactile contact, and the emotional tension will gradually subside.