Male tyrant

Every girl who dreams of marrying represents her chosen one as a loving, tender and caring man. But life has its own view on such things and it happens that some are after marriage victims of psychological violence. The husband - the tyrant is merciless to his partner.

If you are in this situation, do not lower your hands. Let's try to understand what the psychology of such a person is and how to escape from a tyrant husband.

No woman is immune from the fact that the beautiful prince, whom she fell in love with, will instantly turn into a monstrous person who will treat her with disdain.

Signs of a tyrant husband

Even if you think that your spouse is not capable of being a tyrant, you should know about the ten most common symptoms proving that your husband is a psychological tyrant.

  1. Your spouse forbids you to keep in touch with friends and family. Thus, he uses psychological pressure to ensure that you completely belong to him. It is worth noting that her husband - a moral tyrant - can do his best to limit your communication with others. He does not want to realize that apart from your family life, other types of relationships must exist for you. If you notice this in your partner, it indicates his inclination to use psychological violence.
  2. The husband - a domestic tyrant comes up with humiliating nicknames for you, insulting your personality. When he sees your reaction to what has been said, he begins to shield himself, blaming your resentfulness in everything, suggesting to look at the situation easier, etc. Intuitively, you can and understand that you do not deserve this kind of address. But you are afraid to do something. Such men in most cases tend to convince the victim of their psychological abuse, that such treatment is quite normal and the problem lies only in its inability to respond to "harmless jokes."
  3. A husband - a tyrant and a despot - in his life failures most often blames you, but not himself. The hysterics that he rolls around, tries to prove that he is not at all guilty of problems, stating that it's all you. Remember that a clear sign of unhealthy relationships is unwillingness to take responsibility, shifting it to others.
  4. Some domestic despots tend to abuse alcohol and depend on narcotic substances. That sooner or later, but will lead to unmanageable trends and inadequate behavior in men.
  5. He seeks to inspire fear in you, intimidating and humiliating. Think about the separation if the spouse specifically puts you in a dangerous situation, thus showing you your own collection of weapons. This he says that, if necessary, then without hesitation will take advantage of this.
  6. If you still neglect his ban on seeing friends, he can punish you for the time you spent without him. A tyrant husband begins to threaten you, scream, is capable of the worst methods, simply because you do not always devote yourself to him.
  7. Such men demand that they be treated as an aristocracy. In you sees a slave.
  8. Emotional sadists are morbidly jealous. However strange it may sound, he is jealous of you not only for your surroundings, but for plans and dreams. And all because he can not control both the spiritual and the material aspects of your life.
  9. With the help of their emotions, the despots try to control their women. If you did not do as he likes, he will start threatening, hinting that he will leave you. Tries to make you guilty.
  10. Unreasonable jealousy and hysteria sooner or later, but turn into the use of physical force in your address. And do not even think about how to live with your husband a tyrant. Go away until he mutilates you.

How to deal with her husband a tyrant?

If all the same to you has not carried, and the loving husband became the tyrant, to you it is necessary to resist its or his influence how can. If he only talks about your shortcomings, then remind him that she needs a husband for admiration, and you will see your own shortcomings. If this does not help, do not be discouraged because of his bad mood. Always have a deferred amount of money with you. Be engaged in yourself.

In case you are tired of resistance, run away from such a spouse. Such people rarely change.

So, if your husband is a tyrant, do not let yourself be humiliated. You are a woman, unique and priceless. Take care of your life and do not allow anyone to maim it.