Ointment for colds

With colds, various ointments are widely used as external agents. First of all, these are warming ointments to fight the cough that occurs during colds. In addition, there are a number of antiviral and antibacterial drugs in the form of ointments that are used to combat local manifestations of the disease (severe cold, herpes, etc.), and ointments that can be used as a preventive agent to prevent infection with ARVI.

Ointment in the nose for cold prevention

The most popular and well-proven tool for preventing colds and preventing infection is oxolin ointment. Before going out onto the street or in the crowded place, people lubricate the nasal mucosa with it.

Also as a preventive agent used Viferon or other ointments based on interferon, which increase local immunity and thus reduce the likelihood of infection with influenza or ARVI.

Heating Ointments for Colds

Warming ointments for colds are used for grinding the back and chest in the lungs. Such rubbing helps to facilitate breathing, soften cough, reduce the common cold.

Turpentine ointment is ointment based on turpentine oil, obtained during distillation of the gum. Turpentine ointment is most often used for pain in the joints, but it helps with coughing for colds and bronchitis. This is an inexpensive, fairly effective tool, but it can cause burning, irritation of the skin. Turpentine ointment is not applied in the area of ​​the heart, nipples, and also with skin lesions (scratches, cuts, irritation) and a tendency to allergies.

Also effective for a cold such ointments:

All these drugs have a local antiseptic, warming, diaphoretic, intensifying blood circulation and stimulating expectoration. At elevated body temperature, they do not apply.

Ointment for colds on the face

With catarrhal diseases, it is not uncommon to damage the lips, as well as the wings and nasal mucosa with herpetic eruptions. Against them local antiviral agents are used.

The most common ointments of this category are:

In addition, to combat these inflammations, Cycloferon (an interferon-based drug) and Bactroban antibacterial ointment have proved themselves well enough.