Arterial pressure is the norm by age

The correct work of the nervous vegetative and endocrine system, as well as the heart, depends on the strength that the moving blood stream exerts on the vascular walls. This indicator is the blood pressure - the norm at the ages of these values, established in the medical community, is intended for the possibility of early diagnosis of various cardiovascular diseases. Although any generally accepted indicators are considered averaged, since they depend not only on the number of years, but also on other individual characteristics of the organism.

How do blood pressure indicators vary with age?

According to the norms established by cardiologists, the higher the pressure, the older the person. This is explained by the physiological characteristics of the body.

With age, changes in the blood vessels and the heart muscle inevitably occur. To ensure normal blood circulation and access to biological fluid, all organs and tissues require an ever greater force pushing it into the circulatory system. Accordingly, the pressure on the walls of the vessels increases proportionally.

In addition, many older people, especially women, are prone to developing heart disease after 50 years and overweight. The presence of such pathologies also provokes an increase in blood pressure.

It should be remembered that any reference figures are just average values, it is always necessary to take into account individual characteristics.

Normal blood pressure indicators by age

In the medical community, the norms in question are set separately for men and women. The representatives of the stronger sex are slightly higher, by 2-7 units.

Upper and lower blood pressure by age (for women):

For comparison of own indicators with the specified norms it is important to make correctly measurements :

  1. To be at rest, relax.
  2. Take a sitting position.
  3. In advance to visit the toilet.
  4. For half an hour, refrain from consuming coffee, strong tea, chocolate, alcohol, no smoking.
  5. Do not move or talk during the procedure.
  6. After 3-5 minutes, measure the pressure on the other hand.

Observance of these rules allows obtaining the most accurate values.