Microinsult - treatment

Consider how to treat a microstroke and what to do after it. In addition, the proposed material will find out what medicines are used to restore health and what means of traditional medicine can be used.

What to do with a micro stroke?

Immediately at the time of circulatory disorders in the brain tissues, it is necessary to perform all possible pre-hospital procedures. How to treat the happened microinsult, the specialist will appoint after the arrival of an ambulance and diagnosis in the clinic. But before the ambulance arrives:

  1. First of all, it is necessary to put the person on a bed, it is desirable to place a head on a raised platform, having enclosed some pillows.
  2. Then you should get rid of all tight clothes and accessories, so that nothing would interfere with normal breathing and circulation.
  3. It is recommended to open the windows and provide fresh air.
  4. In no case should the patient be given any medications, especially vasodilating medicines. An exception may be drugs with a micro stroke, which the doctor allowed emergency medical care.
  5. The feet of the injured person should be kept warm, so it is worth putting a heating pad on them or covering them with a blanket.
  6. In addition, you need to monitor that a person does not lose consciousness, try to constantly bring him to life.
  7. If the patient is sick, it is necessary to thoroughly clean the oral cavity of the vomit, so that the liquid does not get into the trachea or lungs.

Microinsult - treatment of a disease

Upon the arrival of the victim in the hospital, the doctor prescribes a number of laboratory and radiographic studies to confirm the preliminary diagnosis. As a rule, a micro-insult is detected on the MRI, where the darkened areas of damaged brain tissues are clearly visible.

Further treatment regimen:

Microinsult - treatment with folk remedies

Effective recipes:

  1. In a glass of boiling water, brew a bit (at the tip of the knife) of the crushed marjin root. Take the drug 30 ml three times a day before meals.
  2. Drink herbal teas from nettles , hawthorn, psyllium, valerian (1 tablespoon of phytochemicals per 400 ml of boiling water). These herbs help to increase the elasticity of blood vessels, prevent the formation of blood clots and blood clots.

The presented prescriptions act slowly, but they produce a stable effect, especially in combination with drug treatment.

Micro-insult recovery

After a stroke, naturally, it is necessary to change the way of life to avoid irreversible consequences after a micro stroke. It is necessary to get rid of all bad habits forever, if they were, start exercising, sleep enough time and regularly visit the attending physician.

A special place in rehabilitation is nutrition with a micro stroke. Special diet it is usually not necessary to comply, but it is necessary to exclude fatty foods, since they contain a lot of cholesterol. It is also recommended to give up coffee, black tea and other tonic drinks, preferring herbal teas, natural juices containing mineral complexes and vitamins .

Even if the vast areas of the brain tissues were not damaged during the micro-stroke and the functions of various body systems were not violated cardinally, this pathology requires certain therapeutic measures.