Fingers finger - what to do?

Numbness of the fingers or the entire hand can occur due to a dream in the wrong position, a transmitted or pinched nerve, a prolonged immobility, but in this case, unpleasant sensations quickly pass. Consider what you need to do if your fingers become numb and how to treat this symptom.

What to do if your fingers become numb - general recommendations

Numbness of the fingers can be a symptom of a significant number of diseases, therefore, independently, without medical assistance, to identify and eliminate the cause is almost impossible. But the numbness itself can be alleviated by very simple measures:

  1. Tear up the numb area, as if it had just become numb. If possible, massage the arm from the elbow to the hand, and then each finger separately.
  2. Make gymnastics for the hands. Exercises are simple and involve turning the wrists, squeezing and unclenching the fists, gripping the hands in the lock and pulling them forward. It is recommended to do the same gymnastics as preventive, if you are engaged in work that requires fine motor skills, and when working at a computer. In addition, it is desirable that the gymnastics included exercises for the cervical spine .
  3. Take contrasting hands. Hands alternately, 4-5 times, drop first into the hot (but not to scorch the skin), and then into cold water.
  4. Apply a compress of boiled pumpkin. Pumpkin boil, grind to pasty state. Warm mass is applied to the hand, not only on the fingers, but also on the wrist, and if possible to the elbow, wrapped in polyethylene, and on top with a towel or a warm kerchief.

What if my fingers become numb and sore?

If the pain is clearly localized in the fingers, it can be an inflammatory disease of the joints or ligaments. In this case You can rub your hand with some anti-inflammatory ointment or take a tablet of NSAID (Nurofen, Ibuprom, etc.). Irradiating pain (that is, reflected) can be caused by diseases of the cardiovascular system and osteochondrosis . Therapy is determined only by a doctor.

What should I do if my fingertips grow numb?

This symptom, especially in the winter and spring period, is caused by a lack of vitamins, primarily A and B12, and is eliminated by the course of taking appropriate medications. It can also be a sign of the initial stage of atherosclerosis (in people over 45).