How to develop leadership skills?

Building a career and self-realization are impossible without acquiring certain qualities. A person driven hardly can develop at the right pace, it is necessary to strive to become a leader . How to develop leadership skills is not an easy matter. First of all, it is necessary to determine what is meant by the characteristics of the leader.

Leadership personality

In the opinion of psychologists, leaders are purposeful, integral natures who are capable of decisive, but deliberate, and not spontaneous actions. They are enthusiasts capable of motivating others. They are calm and collected, not impulsive. In difficult situations, they are able to soberly assess the state of affairs and take over the leadership of the "rescue operation". They are able to improvise and quickly adapt to changed conditions. Respecting themselves and others, they do not allow negligence in appearance, rudeness in behavior and communication.

How to cultivate leadership qualities?

Leadership development is a conscious and focused process. Constant work on oneself is the first important condition, in addition to the desire to become a leader. In addition, you have to learn: