Apricot Diet

Who said that losing weight should be difficult, and the diet - consist only of fresh, tasteless foods? The main plus of the apricot diet is that it is rich in vitamins and trace elements, and the taste of fruit is a pleasure that positively affects the psychological mood for dieting. Most importantly - this approach will not only facilitate the process of weight change, but also help you to fill your body with the necessary useful substances.

Apricot diet for weight loss: benefit

Apricots have many important qualities that allow you to make the diet more useful. Their use greatly improves skin condition, due to the high content of vitamin A in them, and also strengthens immunity due to the high content of ascorbic acid - vitamin C. These vitamins are also needed for good vision and bone strength.

To prevent cancer, apricots should be consumed by everyone, because beta-carotene, which is contained in them, can reduce the risk of developing such a disease several times. This same element makes the human body more resistant to unfavorable environmental conditions, especially such as polluted urban air and tobacco smoke.

It is also remarkable that regular use of apricots allows normalizing the work of the entire gastrointestinal tract and kidneys.

Can I eat apricots during a diet?

There is no unequivocal answer to the question whether it is allowed to use apricots with any of the diets. Much depends on the individual characteristics of your body and the chosen food system. If you eat on a system with a limited intake of carbohydrates, this sweet product can not be connected, because it contains a lot of sugars. If your diet does not limit carbohydrates, and the allowed caloric intake of the daily diet allows, then it is quite possible to use apricots as a substitute for sweets.

How to lose weight on apricots?

You can use several options of apricot diet. Diet-discharge can last 2-5 days, and a diet based on proper nutrition with the use of apricots can be used for as long as you want - until you get the desired result.

Apricot Diet - Unloading

This short diet can be used to tidy up the figure if you feel that recently you have allowed yourself a lot of excesses or when you need to prepare in an extremely short time for an important event. Apricots can be eaten in any form. For the whole day you have a glass of dried apricots, which should be eaten for breakfast and lunch, and 1 kg of apricots (no more!). You can make apricot puree or salad with low-fat yogurt, smoothies , compote without sugar and in general everything that your heart desires. The main thing is not to go beyond these limits. If you do not like dried apricots, you can afford 0.5 kg of apricots instead. Repeat this diet for 2-5 days. Leave the diet carefully - first add breakfast from cereal, the next day - soup for lunch, and only then you can switch to conventional food. Limit fatty, sweet and flour to preserve the result.

Apricot diet based on proper nutrition

Let's consider some examples of a daily diet of a correct food and included in a ration apricots.

Option 1

  1. Breakfast - oatmeal porridge with pieces of apricots, tea without sugar.
  2. Dinner - any soup, salad with fresh cabbage, a piece of bread bran.
  3. Snack - 3 pcs. steamed dried apricots, green tea without sugar.
  4. Dinner - fish with a vegetable vegetable garnish.

Option 2

  1. Breakfast - apricot puree, tea without sugar.
  2. Lunch - vegetable soup, light lard, a slice of grain bread.
  3. Snack - a glass of low-fat yogurt, 2-3 apricots.
  4. Dinner - chicken breast or beef with cabbage.

You can drink water without limit. Supper should be 3-4 hours before sleep, and instead of all sweets, eat dried apricots or apricots. With such a diet, you will feel great, and lose weight by 0.8-1 kg per week.