Ointment from bruises

Hematomas occur for various reasons and are always accompanied by subcutaneous ruptures of blood vessels, which explains the derma staining in red-violet. Quickly to cope with the problem helps ointment from bruises, its varieties are quite a lot, including the home making recipe.

Ointment from bruises from pricks

Intramuscular and subcutaneous injections, as well as infusions (droppers) often lead to the emergence of extensive and even painful hematomas. To eliminate them, it is recommended to use local preparations based on heparin or troxerutin.

Ointments from bruises after injections:

  1. LaVenum. The main indication is varicose veins, but the content of heparin sodium in the composition allows for 2-4 days to reduce the size of the hematoma, to repair damaged vessels.
  2. Gel Lyoton (1000). Also prescribed for the treatment of legs. In this concentration, it helps to quickly get rid of bruises on soft tissues.
  3. Trombleuss. Excellent for long-term injections. Provides an accelerated resolution not only of the hematoma, but also of the seals in the places where the injection is made.
  4. Troxerutin or Troxevasin 2%. Minor bruises eliminate in 2 days, in more severe cases, a 5-day application is required. Almost instantly, the swelling around the hematoma disappears.

The most effective ointment from bruising after injection is heparin . At a low cost, this product contains a special component: nicotinic acid in the form of its benzyl ether. The substance contributes to the expansion of blood vessels, which means a faster penetration of the drug into the tissue. In addition, ointment does not presume a long course of therapy, even large hematomas disappear after 5-day use (twice a day).

Which ointment works best against bruises on the face?

It is important to note that bruises pass much faster in the area of ​​the body under consideration, so there is no need to use strong medications.

A good ointment from bruises on the face:

  1. Bruise-Off. The gel is available in two types - transparent and with a toning pigment (helps to mask the hematoma). Based on leech extract, removes bruising for 2-3 days.
  2. Indovazin. Contains a small amount of troxerutin, sufficient for resorption of bruises on various parts of the face. Quickly relieves pain and swelling.
  3. Express The bruise. The active ingredient is an extract of spaghetti. Due to the acceleration of blood circulation at the site of application, the bruise disappears for a maximum of 2-3 days. Based on this sponge also produced similar drugs - Badyaga 911, Badyaga forte.

Ointment against bruises on the body

As a rule, hematomas of this kind are caused by bruises or injuries, accompanied by swelling and pain. Therefore, to eliminate them should be selected complex preparations that relieve all of these symptoms.

The best ointment from bruises on any part of the body is Dolobien. It produces a triple effect: it anesthetizes, relieves inflammation, restores the elasticity and integrity of the capillaries.

A similar action is possessed by:

All of the listed medicines contain dexpanthenol. Upon penetration into skin cells, it is transformed into pantothenic acid (vitamin B), which promotes rapid regeneration of tissues, including vascular walls.

You can also prepare a homemade ointment:

  1. Boil 100 ml of vegetable oil 1 whole bulb until the vegetable darkens.
  2. In the hot oil add 100 g of beeswax and grated household soap (a tablespoon of chips).
  3. Thoroughly mix components, grease bruised twice daily.