Chocolate for nursing mother

There is an opinion that in the list of prohibited products for women who are breastfeeding, there is also chocolate, but you always want what you can not. The main thing is not to forget that in this important for the mother and baby period you need to think not only about your desires, but also about not to harm your baby. In this article, we will analyze whether it is possible for a nursing mother to have chocolate.

Why can not breastfeeding mothers have chocolate?

Chocolate is a complex product that contains simple and complex carbohydrates that can cause an allergic reaction in a child. Another reason why chocolate for a nursing mother is contraindicated is the presence of an alkaloid of caffeine in it. This biologically active substance has a stimulating effect on the infant, causing psychoemotional arousal, sleep disturbance and anxiety. The effect of caffeine on the gastrointestinal tract is manifested by increased intestinal peristalsis and increased gas production, causing the baby painful sensations.

When a mother uses chocolate during breastfeeding, a child may develop a diathesis. This is due to the fact that the composition of chocolate, especially milk, includes whole milk. Given the immaturity of the gastrointestinal tract of the infant and the inability to digest complex carbohydrates and cow's milk protein (casein), the child may develop diathesis, dyspepsia (bloating, constipation). The maintenance in chocolate of preservatives, prolonging terms of storage of this product, make chocolate at lactation by the forbidden product.

Can I breastfeed my mother if I really want to?

What to do to those young mothers who simply do not imagine their lives without chocolate? If a nursing mother, refusing to use her favorite delicacy, experiences psychological discomfort, becomes nervous and irritable, then this can affect her child. Therefore, if the child does not have a tendency to allergies, and he reacts normally to those products that the woman had previously taken, then it is worth trying to introduce chocolate into your diet. In the beginning, you can try to eat one small piece and see how the child reacts: he will not become nervous, will he have pain in his stomach and a rash on his body. If this did not happen, then in a few days you can have a couple of pieces. Preference in choosing a chocolate during lactation should be given to black bitter chocolate without various additives. Be sure, before using, you need to familiarize yourself with the composition of the chocolate bars and choose more natural and short shelf life. Even if the child has reacted well to the chocolate you have taken, you should not get too involved in it, because in large doses and with frequent admission, it can have a negative effect on the child. It is advisable to eat chocolate before lunch and after a feeding session.

Can I breast-feed white chocolate?

White chocolate with breastfeeding does not have an exciting effect on the baby's nervous system, since it does not have caffeine, but because of its high content of simple carbohydrates can negatively affect the function of the intestine and cause increased gas formation in the intestines of the child and stool (diarrhea and constipation). Some nutritionists generally advise to give preference to white chocolate before black during breast-feeding, as they believe that it is better digested in the intestines and absorbed in the body.

Undoubtedly, it is undesirable to use chocolate for a nursing mother, but if a woman does not present her food without him, and the lack of chocolate can lead to depression, then more harm will come if you do not start using it.