Water when losing weight

Water is an integral part of human life. Without it, the body will not be able to perform its functions, and the internal organs will refuse to work. When losing weight, water is also an integral part of the diet , as it actively participates in metabolic processes and is part of the body cells.

Benefits of water for weight loss

Often people confuse thirst and hunger, as their centers are very close in the brain. Therefore, sometimes it is enough to drink some liquid to prevent the use of excess products. In addition, water does not contain calories, and it takes part in the splitting of fat. Weight loss and water are two inseparable concepts, because the fluid is needed for cellular metabolism, which in turn helps to cleanse the body of toxins and other decomposition products. In addition, water gives elasticity and elasticity to the skin.

How to drink water while losing weight?

First, it is necessary to calculate the necessary rate of fluid intake. There is a simple formula for an adult, so for 1 kg of weight should be at least 30 ml. Just take into account that the total includes not only clean water, but also tea, juices and even liquid, which is found in vegetables, soups, etc. It is estimated that about 1 liter per such bound fluid. To get rid of excess weight every day you need to drink at least 2 liters of still water.

Nutritionists are advised to start your day with a glass of clean water at room temperature. Thanks to this, metabolism is accelerated. Drink 1 tbsp. water in 20 minutes. before the main meal.

Many believe that drinking water during meals or after it is harmful, since it dilutes the gastric juice and adversely affects digestion. Dietitians have long argued about this and still reached the same opinion that this information is not true, and if you want to drink, then do it at any time.