Do I need to vaccinate children?

A hot topic, whether it is worth vaccinating children, is more urgent than ever, and the heated debates of supporters and opponents of immunization do not cease for a minute. But this is all talk, but when it comes to your baby, it's time to seriously think about it.

Do you vaccinate a child or not?

Each family solves it independently, and although by law parents have the right to refuse vaccinations, but during registration in the kindergarten and school problems arise, because the directors of these institutions are strictly ordered from above, that without a vaccination sheet it is impossible to take the child. So it turns out a vicious circle, and the parents go to various tricks in order to obtain evidence of these vaccinations - they bribe the medical workers who, for a fee, make the necessary information.

But this is a formality, but what about the serious diseases that these vaccines save? Suddenly the child will fall ill, and then the parents will be to blame, and no one else. What do experts advise about whether to vaccinate children?

What vaccinations can children do?

It turns out that there are more and less dangerous vaccines. So, for example, DTP, which is put several times in the first year of life, has anti-pertussis component. It is allergic reaction, with its various manifestations.

Vaccines containing living microorganisms are much more dangerous than those that do not contain them. Therefore, it is necessary to discuss the choice of the vaccine with the district pediatrician before agreeing to vaccination.

It is necessary to do vaccinations against diphtheria and poliomyelitis, flashes of which again began to occur from time to time. This is due to a large migration, including from disadvantaged countries.

Why can not I vaccinate children?

If the child has suffered any cold infection, then the delay before vaccination should be at least a month. It is also the case with the disease of the gastrointestinal tract - there must come a remission. And this will take at least 30 days.

If the family has allergies, then the child in hidden or explicit form, too, may have a tendency to this. Therefore, the doctor must carefully collect anamnesis before giving permission for vaccination.

It should be checked in the vaccination room accompanying documents for the vaccine, because the wrong date and even storage at an inappropriate temperature has a huge impact on its quality.

And what does the famous doctor Komarovsky say about the topic "should I vaccinate a child"? His opinion is categorical - they must be done necessarily, because the possibility of getting sick is much higher than the probability of a post-vaccination complication.

Many parents sign a deferral document and start vaccinating a child when he gets a little stronger - after 2-3 years.