On what holiday do larks bake?

In the traditions of our people there are many entertaining rites and all kinds of festivities. As a rule, they are devoted to various public holidays. For example, many housewives know the traditional recipes for baking: on what holiday bakes pies or cakes, and on which bake larks.

People's Festival of the Larks

Celebration falls on March 22, the day of the vernal equinox. It has long been believed that it was on the day of the spring equinox that birds came and spring gradually entered into their rights. Since that moment, it was possible to start various field works, since "the lark began to plow the sky."

Folklore festival Magpies also considered the beginning of a new period in human life. With the coming of spring, he was filled with new forces, as if awakened, and was ready for new achievements.

Spring Festival Larks are called Magpies not according to the number of birds in the sky, but according to the number of the martyrs of Sevastia, whose memory is revered on March 22. Execution was appointed for the religion, and since the word "lark" itself was often replaced with "forty", the name of the holiday gradually took hold.

Feast of Magpies - signs

Now that we know which holiday lark people are baking on, you can also stop at folklore. After all, almost all national holidays have many signs and beliefs. From the omens associated with the Magpies holiday, the following are still remembered:

People's Larks are fond of adults and children, because the housewives bake delicious figurines of dough in the form of birds with open wings. In addition to the larks, they also baked koloboks, gingerbread and carried out various kinds of rituals to call for a good harvest.

Many housewives baked from a salted dough of koloboks and put them in small nests of straw. It was believed that during the year the chickens will be well carried. Children could also have plenty of fun, because, according to tradition, figurines from the test in the form of birds were planted on sticks and ran with them across the field. Today, many people have forgotten about this holiday, but in some villages and villages it continues to be celebrated.