Light feces

Symptoms of the disease can be very different - it's pain, fever, cough, nausea. But other signs are also important, which are almost not reflected in the self-perception. For example, light feces is a symptom of serious disorders in the functioning of the body.

Why is the feces bright?

If you find a light color in your body, the first thing to remember is what you ate the day before. A plentiful amount of very fatty food can be badly digested, which makes the stool light yellow and often liquid. Usually this is a short-term effect that takes place during the day. Dilutions of light color in the feces should also not alert you, they are remnants of undigested food. But if they are accompanied by mucus, it can be a symptom of putrefactive processes in the intestines, suppuration and even fistula. The reasons for the light color of the stool in this case are pus congestion.

It is also important to remember that for children up to a year, light liquid feces are normal. He almost never acts as a symptom of a serious illness. Therefore, all the information presented in this article concerns adults and children over the age of one.

So, the causes of light feces:

All these diseases have other symptoms. For example, the formation of fistulas and suppuration, as well as intestinal influenza caused by rotavirus, are accompanied by an increase in temperature.

Diseases associated with stagnation of bile and liver function are characterized by a feeling of nausea, dizziness. They are usually associated with bouts of pain in the right side.

What does a very light color of feces mean?

If the color of your stool is very light, almost white, this may be a testament to the disruption of the pancreas. In order to rule out the likelihood of diabetes, consult your therapist and donate blood for analysis. Unfortunately, often very light feces are evidence of the appearance of malignant tumors in the pancreas, or one of the digestive organs, so do not delay the visit to the doctor in any case.

It should be cautious if the appearance of light feces is regular, or repeated from time to time. A single case can not be considered a serious symptom. Most likely this is due to the nature of the food.

Cal light green color

The color of the stool may change due to eating foods with a bright pigment:

If you do not feel the deterioration of well-being, and the situation is normalized by itself, there is no cause for concern. Otherwise, you will have to seek advice.

The brown color is given to bile secretions, which is involved in the process of digesting food. If the composition of the change, the color of the stool also changes, it becomes more luminous. But in the case when feces acquire a greenish tinge, the problem is not in the gallbladder and liver, but in the work of the intestine. Most often it is a stagnation in the small intestine, neoplasms on this site, or ulcers. In acute inflammatory process in the intestine accumulate leukocytes, which eventually acquire a green color and an unpleasant putrefactive odor. Also, the cause can be covered in dysbiosis and dysentery .

In no case do not resort to self-treatment, if the changes in the color of the stool become frequent. Seek qualified help and take tests. It can save your life. A small symptom, at first glance, is a testament to very serious pathologies!