How to cook soup from white mushrooms?

Of royal white mushrooms, truly royal dishes are obtained. Especially delicious and rich in various soups based on them. We present your options below.

Mushroom cream soup with fresh white mushrooms and cream - recipe



To achieve a delicate creamy texture of mushroom soup is possible only when using fresh white mushrooms. In extreme cases, you can take frozen mushrooms, but the dried for this dish will not work. Rinse the product thoroughly, let it drain and dry out a little, after which we cut each mushroom arbitrarily, but not large. We also clean the shredded onions and garlic teeth with cubes, and then we spread the vegetable mass into the melted peasant butter melted in the saucepan. Fry the contents to the transparency of the slices, after that we lay the mushrooms and stand on the fire with periodic stirring for four minutes.

At the next stage, pour in the chicken broth, heated up to boiling, throw thyme twigs, give the soup base to boil, and cook it for about fifteen minutes. Next we connect the blender. We break through the mushroom mass to the maximum cream texture, warm again a little over moderate heat, add cream, season the soup with salt and pepper, ideally freshly ground and can serve with complementary crumbs or croutons.

How to cook soup from frozen or fresh white mushrooms with potatoes?



Frozen or fresh mushrooms can be put in water and put on the stove immediately or pre-fry them for a start without defrosting, but only after that put in boiling water or broth. We cook mushrooms for about fifteen minutes, and during this time we clean and cut the potatoes with small pieces, put them in soup and cook as much. Now we throw the laurel leaf, we lay in advance the vegetable sliced ​​onions with carrots saved in oil, add the food and pepper, then let it boil for a couple of minutes and we can serve by adding fresh greens to the leaves.

Soup of dried white mushrooms in a multivark



Dry white mushrooms before cooking soup from it, soak in cold water for an hour and a half. During this time, prepare all the other ingredients for food. We clear the bulb, carrots and potatoes. We chop the vegetables into slices of the desired shape and size. In the multikastryulyu add vegetable oil without flavor or creamy switch the device in the mode "Baking". We put in onion onion, and after five minutes add the crushed carrots. Fry the vegetables for another five minutes and pour the wheat flour. It is better to first fry in a dry frying pan until creamy. Now turn the potatoes and soaked mushrooms. We cut the last ones, if large, fill the contents of the multicast with water, until the desired density of the dish is obtained, add spices to taste, laurel, salt, pepper and switch the device into "Quenching" mode for an hour and a half.

When serving, we complement the aromatic soup with fresh herbs.