On which side it is better to sleep, to get enough sleep and keep health?

Many are interested in knowing which side to sleep better, so that at night the organism can be fully restored, and in the morning one could feel refreshed and rested. The opinions of specialists in this matter may vary. When giving their recommendations, they take into account a variety of additional factors.

The best posture for sleep

It is impossible to give an unambiguous answer, because people are of different physique and weight class. What one is suitable for, the other will be shackled and cause severe discomfort. However, experts agree that the right posture for sleep is one in which a person reaches the stage of the fast phase. At this stage, dreams are made. Although all phases of sleep are very important, fast is the most significant. It is believed that at this stage there is a restoration of the body and the preservation of all the information received in a day's memory.

Selecting comfortable sleeping positions is very important, because an incorrect fast phase leads to a lot of unpleasant consequences. More often in the morning, one feels a sense of weakness and worries about a headache. You can not leave things to themselves. It is necessary to choose the optimal sleep positions for yourself. If this is not done, the consequences can be appalling. Constant lack of sleep is fraught with the emergence of such problems:

On which side do you need to sleep and why?

Postures can vary. Deciding on which side to sleep, it is important to focus on the sensations that a person experiences after sleep, and the state of his health. Some people used to turn off on their stomachs. This posture is really good for those who suffer from snoring. However, according to somnologists, this position of the body during sleep is not the best option. He has many shortcomings, here are some of them:

  1. In this position, the person automatically pulls up the leg, bending it in the knee. As a result, muscles strain. The load in this position is tested and the spine. Sleep on the abdomen can lead to serious problems in the functioning of the musculoskeletal system.
  2. In addition, this posture involves turning the head to the side. As a result, the neck becomes numb during sleep. If you often sleep on your stomach, in the long term it can result in problems with the vessels of the brain.
  3. Due to the fact that the face is in contact with the pillow, the skin is stretched. This is fraught with the fact that it will have more wrinkles.

Some are used to sleeping on their backs. This position is considered safe and optimal for normal rest. With such a dream, the spine, muscles, joints relax, so the body is perfectly restored. However, this position has contraindications:

  1. In this situation, one can not sleep for those who suffer from breathing problems or are prone to snoring .
  2. Because of the strong pressure on the spine and blood vessels, you can not sleep on your back during pregnancy (in the first half, this position is still acceptable).
  3. To exclude the risk of stopping breathing, provoked by vomit, a drunken person is categorically forbidden to lie on his back.

Deciding on which side you need to sleep, you need to take into account the advantages and disadvantages of this or that pose. An interesting fact is that this position of the body is preferred by more than 63% of people. Even there are several subspecies of this pose:

On which side is it useful to sleep for the body?

Somnologists believe that the most healthy is a dream on the left side. This position helps to cope with the diseases and perfectly influences the work of internal organs. However, before finally deciding which side to sleep better for health, you need to take into account that even the physiologically correct position of the body is not always safe. There are a number of cases where sleep on the left side is contraindicated.

On which side is it better to sleep for the heart?

With cardiovascular diseases, such poses are unacceptable:

Here, on which side to sleep properly with such pathologies:

On which side is better to sleep for the stomach?

This internal organ is located in the abdominal cavity somewhat to the left of the midline. Its third part is on the right. The question naturally arises: which side should sleep. Somnologists believe that it is more useful for the stomach to sleep on the left side. Knowing which side to sleep properly at night, you can speed up the process of producing enzymes and processing food. In addition, this position positively affects the work of the liver and gallbladder.

On which side is it better to sleep with heartburn?

Correct position of the body during rest will help to get rid of this unpleasant sensation. Experts know on which side to sleep with heartburn. When giving recommendations, they take into account the anatomical structure of the digestive system. When a person lies on the right side, there is an increased acid release, so you can easily figure out which side you can not sleep on. The recommended position is on the left side.

On which side to sleep with reflux?

With this pathology, gastric juice enters the oral cavity. The disease is accompanied by heartburn, hoarse voice, bitter eructations and hiccough. To relieve the condition, it is important to know on which side to sleep after eating. In the priority is the left side. In addition, do not overload the digestive system. It is advisable that the last meal be a light snack a couple of hours before bedtime.

Which side is better to sleep with during pregnancy?

In the first trimester, the body posture does not matter much. Starting with the 12th week of the future mother, you need to forget about the dream not the belly. The third trimester imposes additional restrictions on the posture during sleep. During this period, a woman can not sleep on her back. Due to the fact that the mass of the fetus is rapidly increasing, the spine, the hollow vein and the loin experience increased stress. Sleep on the back worsens the flow of oxygen to the organs and tissues, which adversely affects the condition of the future mother and baby.

Experts know which side to sleep pregnant. They recommend that women prefer sleep on the left side. This position of the body does not squeeze the liver, improves the digestive system, lymphatic filtration and blood circulation. Some pregnant women, knowing which side to sleep better, still feel uncomfortable. Little soft pillows help ease the condition. They need to be put under your knees, stomach.

How to sleep properly to sleep?

The first thing you need to determine the ideal position for recreation. In other words, it is necessary to understand on which side it is best to sleep. However, this is not enough for a full sleep.

How to sleep properly:

  1. It is necessary to ventilate the room.
  2. It is important to relax - this will help the contrast shower.
  3. You can not eat before bed.
  4. The mattress should be moderately soft.
  5. It is necessary to choose the right pillow (the soft head will "sink", and the hard will create a feeling of the stone under the cheek).
  6. Bed linen and underwear must be clean.
  7. It is desirable that the room was cool (when it's hot, it's difficult to fall asleep).
  8. A positive effect on sleep is provided by aromatherapy .