Silicone plaster

For any woman, the presence of scars is a serious problem, because they represent a visible cosmetic defect. Among the non-surgical methods of treating scars, one innovative device, silicone patch, deserves attention. Scientists have discovered its beneficial effect relatively recently, but this tool has already gained immense popularity.

How does the silicone bandage work from the scars?

Until the end, the mechanism of action of silicone on skin tissue has not been studied, but during the research it was found that it produces the following effects:

What are the silicone patches of scars?

Today there are available such names of the considered devices:

Method of application of patches:

  1. Clean and dry the skin, to which will attach a silicone strip.
  2. Stick the plate on the scar, setting a healthy skin at least 1 cm on each side.
  3. Wear a plaster around the clock, removing it once a day only for washing.

Change the used strip is needed only after it stops sticking to the skin, every 7-10 days.

The course of therapy depends on the limitation of the scar, its size and nature, ranging from 3 weeks to 12 months. In the treatment of keloid scars, the period is increased to 2-3 years.

Plasters Dermatix are designed to prevent the formation and elimination of existing scars in the face. They are very thin, so almost invisible on the skin, so that you can apply makeup on top.

Also, there is a silicone-gel patch, which has a greater thickness due to the gel base.


The effectiveness of treatment with such adaptations reaches 90%, and they can be used absolutely from all types of scars - keloid , relief, inelastic, convex, red.

Method of use:

  1. In the first 2 days of therapy, wear a band-aid 2 hours a day, each subsequent day to increase this time for another 2 hours, until it reaches 24.
  2. Twice a day, wash the device with a gentle remedy, and also cleanse the skin.
  3. Attach the patch only in dry form.
  4. Change the plate after it stops gluing to the skin.

The course of treatment is from 2 weeks to 24 months.