Diffuse goiter of the thyroid gland - symptoms

Symptoms of diffuse goiter in the thyroid gland appear when there are abnormalities in the functioning of the organ. This happens against the background of iodine deficiency. The latter can be absolute - when the iron lacks iodine, supplied with food and water - or relative, - arose against the backdrop of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, the abuse of certain medicines or hereditary predisposition.

Symptoms of diffuse goiter

Manifestations of the disease largely depend on the shape and size of goiter, the functional state of the thyroid:

  1. At the initial - zero - stage, the organ remains the same as usual.
  2. With the transition to the first degree, goiter is also invisible to the eye, but palpation does not make it difficult to feel it.
  3. The second stage is considered to be the heaviest. At this stage of the disease, the swelling is visible, and is recognized during palpation.

For diffuse goats of the first and second degree, there is a symptom such as general weakness. Patients acutely feel malaise. Most become quite irritable, easily excitable and nervous.

The disease also manifests itself:

Many patients complain of a sharp decrease in body weight, despite the fact that their appetite remains excellent.

To recognize diffusive-nodal goiter it is possible and on such symptom, as deterioration of a condition of hair, fingernails or nails. With Graves' disease - diffuse toxic goiter - patients often have reddening and bulging of eyeballs.

How to eliminate the symptoms of toxic and non-toxic diffuse goiter?

Therapy is usually chosen for each patient individually. But regardless of the stage and form of the disease to the sick it is recommended to adhere to a diet. Dairy products with a high calcium content are useful. From the same dishes that excitantly act on the nervous system - coffee, tea - preferably discarded.

Of the drugs most often turn to help for hormonal drugs, sedatives, beta-adrenoblockers, vitamins and calcium-containing drugs.

If medical treatment does not help, surgical intervention is necessary. But this is not so often - only in the most complex and neglected cases.