Spiritual culture and spiritual life of a person

Under the word "culture" is understood the upbringing, development and education of people. She is considered the result of the life activity of society. Culture is an integral system object, consisting of separate important parts. It is divided into spiritual and material.

Spiritual culture of personality

Part of the overall cultural system that takes into account spiritual activity and its results is called spiritual culture. It implies a combination of literary, scientific, moral and other directions. Spiritual culture of man is the content of the inner world. By its development, one can understand the world outlook, views and values ​​of the individual and society.

Spiritual culture includes a huge number of elements that form the basic concepts.

  1. Common moral principles, scientific justification, the richness of the language and other elements. It can not be influenced.
  2. Formed by parenting and knowledge gained through self-education and training in different educational institutions. With her help, the personality of a person who has his own views about different aspects of life is cultivated.

Signs of spiritual culture

To better understand what the spiritual culture is different from other areas, it is necessary to take into account some features.

  1. In comparison with the technical and social sphere, the spiritual is selfless and non-utilitarian. Its task is to develop a person and give him happiness, and not to receive benefits.
  2. Spiritual culture is an opportunity to freely manifest one's creative potential .
  3. Spirituality is connected with non-material spheres and exists under individual laws, therefore it is impossible to deny its influence on reality.
  4. Spiritual culture of a person is sensitive to any internal and external changes in the individual and society. For example, during reforms or other global changes about cultural development, everyone is forgotten.

Types of spiritual culture

The first kinds of spiritual development of a person are religious beliefs, traditions and customs, norms of behavior that have been formed for many years. Spiritual worship includes the results of intellectual or spiritual activity of a person. If you focus on the social component, you can identify the mass and elitist culture. There is a classification based on the fact that culture is perceived as a form of social consciousness, so there is:

Spheres of spiritual culture

There are a large number of forms through which the spiritual culture is expressed and to the basic variants can be attributed.

  1. Myth is historically the very first form of culture. The man used myths to connect people, nature and society.
  2. Religion as a form of spiritual culture implies the separation of people from nature and purification from passions and elemental forces.
  3. Morality is self-esteem and self-regulation of a person in the sphere of freedom. This includes shame, honor and conscience.
  4. Art - expresses the creative reproduction of reality in artistic images. It creates a kind of "second reality" through which a person expresses life experiences.
  5. Philosophy is a special type of worldview. Finding out what the sphere of spiritual culture includes, one must not lose sight of the philosophy expressing the relationship of man to the world and its value.
  6. Science - is used to recreate the world, using existing patterns. Closely in contact with philosophy.

Interrelation of material and spiritual culture

As for material culture, it is a subject-related world created by man through the use of his own labor, mind and technology. It may seem to many that material and spiritual culture are two concepts, between which there is a gap, but this is not so.

  1. Any material object was created after the person invented and thought it over, and the idea is the product of spiritual work.
  2. On the other hand, for a product of spiritual creativity to become meaningful and able to influence the activities and lives of people, it must materialize, for example, become an action or described in the book.
  3. Material and spiritual culture are two interconnected and complementary concepts that are indivisible.

The ways of development of spiritual culture

To understand how a person can develop spiritually, it is worth paying attention to the spheres of influence of this system. Spiritual culture and spiritual life is based on social and personal development in the moral, economic, political, religious and other directions. Getting new knowledge in the field of science, art and education gives a person a chance to develop, reaching new cultural heights.

  1. The desire to improve, constantly working on yourself. Elimination of shortcomings and the development of positive aspects.
  2. It is necessary to expand our horizons and develop the inner world .
  3. Receiving information, for example, when watching a movie or reading a book, for deliberation, analysis and conclusions.