How to pull a splinter safely and not painfully - 10 simple ways

A thorn that sticks under your skin can be anything: wooden slivers, small metal shavings, plant spikes, fish bones, glass fragments, etc. Even a small foreign body sometimes becomes a cause of great trouble, so everyone is advised to know how to get the splinter safely and painlessly.

How to pull a splinter with a needle?

Ignore getting into the tissues of the body splinters can not, even if at first it does not cause special pain and discomfort. This is due to the fact that under the epidermis with it penetrate microorganisms, some of which can be very dangerous. If you do not remove the foreign part in the next few hours, often there is inflammation, the skin around it hurts, swells and turns red. Further, it is possible to develop a purulent process, infectious gangrene, sepsis. In view of this, it is extremely important to remove the splinter as quickly as possible.

Before you get a splinter, you should carefully inspect the injured area of ​​the skin (preferably with a magnifying glass), assess how deep it has entered, at what angle, whether its tip is visible. Next, you need to wash the affected area with soap, dry it and treat it with any antiseptic: hydrogen peroxide, chlorhexidine, alcohol solution, boric acid, miramistin or others. You also need to treat hands.

When the tip of the splinter peeps over the skin, it is easiest to remove it with tweezers with thin ends. It needs to be done under the same angle, under which the foreign body is embedded in the skin. If the tip is not visible, it is broken off or there were no tweezers at hand, you can use a needle - sewing, from a pin or from a medical syringe. When using an unsterile needle, it is necessary before the procedure to disinfect it, boil it, treat it with alcohol or burn it over the flame.

How to pull a splinter out of a finger?

In most cases, when there is a question about how to pull a splinter, there is a situation where a foreign body enters the thickness of the skin on the finger of the hand. It is important to know that it is impossible to put pressure on the skin, trying to extract a splinter, you can drive it even deeper and crack. If a splinter is found in the finger, even if the tip is long, do not immediately start removing it. Always before this, you need to wash your hands, disinfect the skin and use the tools. Do this in a well-lit location as follows:

  1. Slowly and gently stick the needle under the skin at the protruding tip of the foreign body, trying to get into it, while keeping the needle perpendicular to the splinter and maximally parallel to the skin.
  2. When you hit the splinter, turn the needle with the tip upward, trying to push the foreign body out.
  3. If this is not possible or the splinter is arranged horizontally in the skin, with the help of a needle, it is necessary to slightly break the skin layer above the foreign body, then slowly poke and expel it.

After removal, the damaged area should be properly disinfected and sealed with adhesive tape to prevent infectious agents from getting from outside. For some time it is better not to wet a finger. If all attempts to self-pull a splinter with a needle failed, you can try other home techniques or contact a doctor right away.

How to pull a splinter from under the nail?

A nail under the nail or other small object always causes painful sensations, because the nail plate hides under itself a lot of nerve endings. When there is a splinter under the fingernail, what to do in this case, it is necessary to decide according to the depth of its occurrence. If the top part is available, you can try to remove it yourself. It is advisable, if possible, to pre-steam the tip of the finger in warm soapy water, which will allow the nail plate to be moved slightly away from the skin.

The procedure should be carried out after careful treatment with an antiseptic. If the pain is severe, you can drop a bit of a solution of lidocaine - a local anesthetic - onto the damaged area. Then use a sterile needle to pry the skin near the splinter, try to hook it and remove it, treat it again with an antiseptic solution , stick a band-aid or bandage it.

Splinter in the leg

Often splints fall into the skin of the feet, and in this case the probability is high that the foreign body will get stuck deep. The fabrics on the soles are very dense, sometimes hard, and the extraction is even more complicated. When there is a splinter in your leg what to do, you will be prompted by such recommendations:

  1. Rasparete the affected foot for a quarter of an hour in hot water with the addition of baby soap and soda to soften the tissues.
  2. Dry your foot, treat with an antiseptic agent a patch of skin with a splinter, hands and a needle.
  3. Bring the skin with a needle, pull the foreign body out.
  4. Disinfect the foot.
  5. If there is a suggestion that the splinter is not completely removed, put Vishnevsky ointment or ichthyol ointment on the wound and bandage.

How to pull a splinter without a needle?

Invented a lot of ways how to get a splinter from the finger or other parts of the body without the use of any tools. Often they are applied when the penetrated foreign body has very small dimensions, and it is difficult to discern and catch it with anything. Consider several popular techniques, how to pull a splinter out of the skin without using a needle.

How to pull a splinter with soda?

Removal of a splinter by this method is based on the fact that under the influence of soda skin tissues swell, and it comes to the surface on its own. It is required to combine baking soda with boiled water in such a proportion to obtain a pasty mixture. Then soda is applied to the treated antiseptic affected area and fixed by gauze bandage. After a day, the dressing is removed, the skin is washed with water.

How to pull a splinter jar?

Another way to remove a splinter without a needle is as follows. It is required to take a small jar with a wide neck, which must be filled almost to the brim with hot water. After that, the affected part of the body is pressed against the neck of the container. In a few minutes, according to the laws of physics, a splinter must come out. Using this method to remove a foreign body from a finger, you need to use a bottle instead of a can.

How to pull a splinter wax?

An effective way to quickly remove a splinter without using tools is based on the properties of the wax. This method can be used to extract a splinter under the fingernail. To do this, take a piece of a wax candle, melt it in a water bath and drop it a little on the site with a splinter (nail slightly away from the skin). You can simply light a candle and drip it with melting wax. After hardening, the wax is removed together with the foreign body (it is easy to pick up the edge).

What if the splinter went deep?

The hardest problem is how to pull out a deep splinter, the tip of which does not go to the skin surface. In such cases, tools that have a softening and absorbing effect are applied, under the influence of which the foreign body is stretched without mechanical influences. It should be taken into account that it will not be possible to quickly get rid of trouble through such methods.

Compress with a splinter

For those who are looking for methods, how to pull a deep splinter out of a finger or other areas, we suggest using compresses. Perform them after the treatment of the skin in the area of ​​a splinter with a disinfectant. In addition, it does not hurt to steam up a little in warm water. Deep thorn is eliminated by applying the following types of compresses:

  1. Grated potatoes. It must be applied, wrapped on top with polyethylene, and held for 8-10 hours.
  2. Peel of banana. A piece of skin should be placed on the affected area with the inside, hold a minimum of 6 hours.
  3. Birch tar. Apply a small amount of tar on the skin, cover with polyethylene and bandage, leave for the night.
  4. Lard. Cut off a thin piece, attach and fix with adhesive plaster for 10 hours.
  5. Aloe juice. Saturate with freshly squeezed juice a piece of gauze, folded four times, and attach, fastening, for 5-6 hours.
  6. Bread. Chew a piece of bread pulp, sprinkled with salt, and attach to the area with a splinter for 4-5 hours, fixing with a band-aid or bandage.

If none of the above methods, how to get a deep splinter, does not give a positive result, and you can not remove the foreign body within 1-2 days, you do not need to postpone the visit to the medical institution. Necessarily, without resorting to any home methods, you should consult a doctor if the foreign body is stuck in the skin of the face, neck, in the eye, and also when the splinter is deep under the fingernail (possibly removing a part of the nail plate).

A splinter does not know what to do?

Often, if the jammed piece is not removed or is not completely removed, suppuration occurs. This means that together with the splinter in the tissue penetrated pyogenic bacteria. Any abscess, even a small one, is dangerous. can switch to surrounding tissues and lead to infection of blood . If the splinter is sore, what to do, it is better to find out from the doctor, referring to the first unfavorable symptoms. Before this, you should apply a tampon moistened with an antiseptic or apply a bandage with antibacterial ointment (Levomekol, Vishnevsky balm , ichthyol ointment, etc.) to the suppuration.