Ulcer of duodenal bulb

Quite often, the ulcer affects not the 12-colon itself, but its bulb, which is a globular formation located in the initial part of the intestine. Ulceration of the bulb of the duodenum is formed with a sharp release of acid, which creates the growth-friendly bacteria Helicobacter . In addition, long-term drug therapy, poor nutrition and frequent stress can provoke the disease, which is why this disease is more common in young people with an unstable emotional state.

Symptoms of duodenal ulcer ulcers

The conclusion about the presence of the disease can be concluded by finding such signs:

It is worth noting that most of the symptoms become more pronounced in the acute form of the duodenal bulb ulcer, which is activated in the off-season, after taking alcohol or a single strong stress. In addition, the long-term drug therapy severely undermines the patient's health.

Treatment of duodenal bulb ulcers

With this disease, you can not rely on your own strength. The fight against the disease must be carried out under the control of the doctor. After all, if you do not give the proper attention to the disease, then as a result of it, such serious consequences as bleeding and malignant tumors can develop.

To relieve inflammation and reduce the acidity of the stomach, appoint:

To neutralize the activity of Helicobacter, the patient should drink an antibiotic, for example, Ampiox, and such antibacterial agents as:

Almagel is prescribed to form a protective film on the affected bulb and accelerate its healing.

Importance is given to a diet whose composition depends on the stage of the disease.

Treatment of ulcers of the bulb of the duodenum with folk remedies

In addition to the use of medicines, it is possible to additionally carry out treatment with home prescriptions, which must be pre-approved by a doctor.

In therapy, ulcers are used: