Fighting the larvae of the May beetle

Voracious pests do not give rest to gardeners and gardeners from early spring to the very frost. In the garden and in the garden you can find dozens of different insects that help to weaken your plantations or eat your harvest. One of the most common - the larva of the May beetle - horsetail. Its mass distribution threatens to damage your site. So, it's about how to get the larva of the May bug off the garden.

Fighting the larvae of the May beetle folk remedies

Those who do not accept pesticides on their site, can try a considerable arsenal of home methods. Experienced truck farmers say that it is easier to prevent the appearance of larvae by destroying the female beetle of the May bug. To do this, they are caught in the spring, having dug in the ground a container, greased with a sticky sweet substance (honey, jam, sugar syrup). In the list of what helps from the larvae of the May bug, you can similarly use a special glue from insects or solidol.

One of the methods of combating the larvae of the May beetle is to scare it away with nitrogen compounds. They, accumulating in the soil due to the vital activity of the nodule bacteria of the siderates, make the land unsuitable for larvae to live. Such plants include white clover, peas, beans, lupins.

In the struggle against the larva of the May beetle (horseshoe), an on-shell peel, or more precisely, watering the soil, may be of help. A bucket of water for 10 liters must be filled with husks, and then pour warm water to the very edges. After infusion for 3-5 days, the infusion is dissolved with water in the same proportion and used for the intended purpose.

Another effective method of combating the larvae of the May bug in the garden is the use of an iodine solution. About 15 drops of the substance should be diluted in a bucket of water and poured with the resulting liquid.

Chemical methods against larvae of the May beetle?

If the above methods do not help you, or simply do not want to mess around, we suggest using a wide range of chemicals. Such insecticides as "Medotoks", "Prestige", "Gromoboy", "Anti-Khrushch", "Zemlin", "Bazudin" act quickly and provide a guaranteed result. Another thing is that striking the larvae, these chemicals can accumulate in the soil, and therefore, fall into the seedlings and adult plants.

A safer option is the use of biological agents. Thanks to their use, a worm invisible to the eye penetrates into the soil, penetrating into the larva and destroying it.