Are there vampires in our time?

Legends of vampires have a huge history. Even in ancient times people were afraid of the night, so as not to meet with the bloodsuckers. Today, many are interested in the topic, are there vampires in our time or is it just a myth. The agitation is fueled by modern books and films describing this topic. In the world there are many different centers that are engaged in the study of bloodsuckers.

Are there any vampires now?

According to the information available, modern vampires greatly surpass the ancient bloodsuckers, who were portrayed as horrible creatures with claws and sleeping in a coffin. There is unconfirmed information that each country has its own vampires, which differ in appearance, the way of hunting, etc. For example, American vampires are living people who at night turn into bats. Chinese bloodsuckers can only become girls who died from violent death. Vampires in Greece have legs like an ass, and drink blood, only from a dead person.

The well-known scientist Stefan Kaplan spent his whole life trying to find out if there are vampire people, and he managed to make a lot of discoveries in this area. Conducted experiments and numerous expeditions made it possible to learn that vampires live among people, and they do not tolerate sunlight, but with the help of cream they solve this problem. They feed on blood, but to quench their thirst they only need to drink 50 mg a few times a week. Vampires can drink the blood of animals, but they do not like it very much. Kaplan argues that vampires in our time exist, but they look like ordinary people and do not know how to reincarnate. In addition, vampires are good and they can create families and lead a normal lifestyle . Many believe that this is not bloodsuckers, but simply people with psychological deviations. In fact, it is proved that their blood thirst is a physiological need.

Understanding the topic, it is true that there are vampires, it is worth mentioning bioavampires, which have the power to penetrate into the energy field of a person and take away energy from him. Many people have met in the modern world people who provoke others to bring them to emotions, thus obtaining the desired energy. As a result, they feel vivacity and pacification. People, from which energy is pumped out, feel bad, and it also leads to health problems. In general, at the moment there is no officially confirmed information about whether there are now vampires, so everyone's business is to believe in bloodsuckers or not.