How to wean the cat?

Many owners often face the fact that the cat began to shit wherever it fell. Then the owners resort to punishments, for example, they beat the animal. Do not do this, but you just need to understand the reasons for this behavior. It often happens that the pet has already been accustomed to the tray, and before that everything was in order, and then you began to notice puddles and an unpleasant smell. Why do cats start to crap? There are several reasons for this behavior.

Physiological causes

  1. The most common reason is the need to mark the territory. The smell from such labels is usually very harsh and unpleasant. This behavior is manifested if other animals have appeared alongside, if you brought on the clothes the smell of someone else's cat or just for no reason. So that the cat does not foul at home, you can castrate it.
  2. Another reason is illness. Urination can cause the cat pain, so it will avoid the tray. Be sure to inspect the animal, if the cause lies in the illness, then after its such curing puddles throughout the house disappear.
  3. Sometimes cats shit anywhere, if they do not like the tray or filler. Try several options to choose what will suit your pet. A cat can refuse its toilet if the tray is too narrow or its sides are high, if it is scared off by a chemical smell or if you rarely remove its tray. Keep the cat toilet clean and buy only natural filler.
  4. Another reason for this problem is that the cat does not like the smell in your house. For example, you have overdone with air fresheners. Therefore, the cat and marks the house with its smell. Try to use deodorants and air fresheners in the house where the cat lives.

Often when these causes are eliminated, the problem disappears. But it also happens that the cat is okay, and he is crappy because of psychological problems. They are more difficult to eliminate, but you still need to understand them.

Psychological reasons

  1. The cat has stress. This can be if he does not feel safe if a child or other animal has appeared in the house. The cat could frighten or frighten him in unfamiliar surroundings, for example, you just bought it or made repairs. To calm the animal, limit its movement for a while. Close the cat in the bathroom, where you put a tray, a bowl of water and his toys. Release it several times a day to eat. To make the cat feel safe, communicate with him in an affectionate and calm tone, often caress and avoid loud sounds.
  2. The cat can also shit out of revenge. Some animals are very touchy, if you notice this from your pet, try not to give him a reason, often caress him and play.

But even if you have eliminated all the reasons for the inappropriate behavior of your pet, you still need to know how to disaccustom an adult cat to crap. After all, if he did it only once, the smell will remain. If you do not feel it, it does not mean that it does not exist. Use the advice of experienced co-travelers.

Ways to wean the cat

  1. You can buy a special tool in the pet store. But experience shows that it does not always help.
  2. It is much more effective to use folk remedies and to work out places where the cat goes to the toilet with smells that they do not like. Most often - it's citrus or vinegar. You can put orange or lemon peels around the house or wipe places, especially loved by a cat, with a solution of vinegar in half with mineral water.
  3. Cats never shit where they eat. Therefore, you can arrange a bowl with her food around the house.
  4. If the cat feels its smell, it will not be in this place. Therefore, take a soft cloth and rub the muzzle and neck to the cat. Then with this cloth, wipe all the surfaces in the house. Allow the animal to sleep on the bed and sofas, then there will be no puddles.

In fact, there are a lot of tips on how to disinfect a cat at home. But most of them come down to the fact that your pet should be cozy and comfortable, he should be healthy and cheerful, then he will go to the toilet where necessary.