Who are the angels?

Angels are messengers of God on earth. According to the holy scriptures, these spiritual creatures do not have a physical body and exist forever. Few people know who such angels really are and how many of them there are, so try to answer all the important questions. First of all, it should be said that God created these spiritual creatures long before the foot of the first man stepped on the ground. The main purpose of the angels is to take care of people and help them when necessary.

Who are the angels and what are they?

Many priests express their opinion on the nature of the angel , but you can identify some similar features. It is believed that the angel is an easy, shrewd and fast essence, which is submissive and disciplined. In addition, the angel is endowed with the mind, and also the clergy speak of their relative freedom. It does not change during life, either externally or internally. It is clear that all these traits can be awarded to the angel only conditionally, since it is impossible to confirm or deny this information. An angel is usually depicted with wings that symbolize the quickness of the will of the Lord.

Finding out who these angels are, it is worth paying attention to the existing hierarchy between them. These spiritual entities differ from one another in their enlightenment and in the degree of grace. The most important angels who are close to the Lord:

  1. Seraphim . Angels with a heart experience a great love for God and cause the same feelings in people.
  2. Cherubim . They have great knowledge and illuminated such angels with the rays of the light of God.
  3. Thrones . It is through these angels that God manifests his justice.

On the second hierarchy there are such angels: Dominions, Powers and Powers. Already from the title it is clear what forces they are endowed with. The third level is also characterized by three ranks:

  1. The beginning . Such angels control the universe, protecting the hotel peoples and countries. Their strength allows us to strengthen his faith in man.
  2. Angels . These are bright spiritual beings that are closest to a person.
  3. Archangels . In the Scriptures they are represented as the older angels who control the rest.

Who are guardian angels?

In the Holy Scriptures it is described that at birth and baptism each person is given a protector - a guardian angel. It is believed that his strength and capabilities directly depend on the spirituality of man and his good thoughts and actions. Guardian angels accompany people throughout their lives, recording all their good and bad deeds, and then, appear at the main court before God. Finding out who the guardian angel is in Orthodoxy, it should be said that people can communicate with them through prayers, or they can turn to "defenders" in their own words. You can contact angels at any time, when you need advice or help.

Who is the fallen angel?

All the angels were originally light beings, but some of them stopped obeying God and refused to serve him, so they were expelled from the Heavenly Kingdom. As a result, they moved to the dark side and began to serve Satan. It is believed that the moment of expulsion of the apostate angels and their transformation into demons became the victory of the Lord's army over Satan. Lucifer was the most important and powerful helper of God until he wanted to be equal. The Creator's refusal angered Lucifer, and he decided to fight against the light forces, attracting other fallen angels. They are considered to be the main tempers, whose activities are aimed at destroying the person from within, depriving him of peace. Fallen angels also push people to commit sins.