How to store lingonberries for the winter?

Lingonberry is a very useful plant. Even in the old days it was called the real king-berry. Cowberry is stored quite well, because it contains benzoic acid. Thanks to this, you can get valuable vitamins all year round, enjoying its amazing sour taste. Let's look at some interesting ways of storing this berry together.

Frozen lingonberry

Now tell us how to store lingonberries correctly. The simplest and most reliable option is to freeze cranberries. For this, the berry is thoroughly rinsed, dried, laid out on plastic containers and put into a freezer for storage.

Wet lingonberry

Another recipe for lingonberry storage is urination. First, we pick berries from leaves and garbage. Then pour it into a saucepan, pour cold water, keeping the proportion of 1: 2. Close tightly with a lid and put in the cold for storage. In this form, the berry can be stored for no more than two months. Water during this time will become pinkish, and berries will become soft. Lingonberry water will help you get rid of hangover, quench your thirst, promote digestion and increase appetite. It is useful to eat wet cranberries with honey, and also it is used as a filling in pies, as part of various side dishes for meat.

Canned lingonberry

Let's figure out how to store lingonberries in winter. Berries sorted out of debris, washed, put in a saucepan, close the lid and put in the oven for 1.5-2 hours. During this time, cranberries will become gray, will acquire a non-commodity appearance and greatly diminish in volume. Then we put it in glass jars, close it with lids and store it in a cool place for a year. From parsley cranberries, you can prepare a delicious jam, and you can add to such dishes as a duck with sauerkraut or goose stuffed with apples.

Cowberry, canned with sugar

Berries are mine, sorted out of garbage and put in a jar. After that we fall asleep to their taste with sugar, cover with a lid and store for about a week. As a result, the volume of the mass will decrease. Cowberry in juice is used as an independent dish for the preparation of mors or as a filling for pies.

Cowberry storage in the form of jelly



At the beginning of the berries sorted, mine and cook in their own juice so that they all burst. Then filter through a clean gauze and add sugar to the cowberry juice. The resulting mixture is boiled, cooled and bottled for storage in cans. Jelly from cranberries is ready!

Dried cranberries

Another option for storing berries is drying. Cowberry is well sorted, we remove leaves, twigs and greenish berries. Oven is heated to 60 degrees, we spread cranberries on a baking tray with a thin layer and put them into the oven. During the drying process, we stir the berries periodically to avoid burning and evenly dry them. Then we pour the cowberry into a clean glassware, close it with a lid and store it in a dark place.

Cowberry storage in own juice

We offer one more way how to store berries cranberries. Berries are thoroughly washed, dried and laid out on cans, filling dishes for one third. Then take a wooden spoon and lightly squeeze it with berries so that the juice is allocated. After that, lay out the next layer of berries and squeeze out the juice again. Repeat the procedure until the dishes are filled to the top. Next, we cover the jars with a cloth and put it under oppression. In this state berries should stand for several days. During this time, their level will settle a little, so you can add a few more berries to the top and remove the containers with the product in the cold.