Alcohol addiction - myths, reality and ways of fighting

One of the most common social ailments of our time is alcohol dependence. Myths about it, the reality and ways of fighting this disease deserve special attention , because it can touch absolutely everyone.

How to recognize alcohol dependence?

There are many myths about alcohol dependence and ways of dealing with it, far from reality. Therefore, this question should be analyzed in as much detail as possible. For example, many people believe that even drinking a bottle of beer every day, they are not alcoholics. According to doctors - this is a myth. To develop addiction, a woman should drink a bottle of light beer a day, a man - three bottles. Other signs of the disease are:

Alcohol addiction - what to do?

The fight against alcohol dependence should be comprehensive. And the fact that it is not treated is also a myth. It's just very difficult, long and requires the help of specialists. Erroneous is the opinion that the main thing is the withdrawal of alcohol dependence by special drugs, but the restoration of the moral image is an optional treatment. Psychological rehabilitation is important not less, but often more physical purification of the body from the products of the decomposition of alcohol-containing substances. If an alcoholic is not given a motivation to stop drinking, then he himself will never do it.