Summer diet for weight loss

Summer is the best time for weight loss and there are at least two explanations for this. Firstly, summer is already a powerful stimulus for losing weight, because swimsuits, beach and vacation are not associated with excess weight. Secondly, in the summer, all nature contributes to our program of weight loss, around so many fruits, vegetables and berries that they are not, well, they will not succeed, and consuming them is the essence of summer diet for weight loss.

Pros of summer diets

Summer diets are considered easy, effective and healthy. During the diets do not need to adhere to the time frame, you can eat fruit-vegetables, as soon as there is a feeling of hunger, and even after 18.00. Summer diets are effective because they are all of course low-calorie, but the risk is reduced to a minimum - you will not feel the decay of forces, pessimism, as usual during diets, because in fruits there is the same sugar (desired and forbidden!), That is - fructose, and it will not let you lose courage.

Light summer diet, oddly enough, contain a huge amount of vitamins, minerals, oils, etc. Avietaminosis is definitely not threatening you during such diets.


The main disadvantage is that on summer diets you can not sit with people with high acidity, gastritis and ulcers. However, for them the ideal solution would be a banana mono-diet. In addition, if you consume excessive amounts of fruit, you may experience allergies or diathesis. To frequent fruit-allergens include strawberries and all citrus fruits.

Fruit diets

Fruit summer diet is the easiest way to get rid of hated kilograms. During the diet, the intestines are cleared, metabolism, skin color improves and the appearance of cellulite decreases. For a week, you can throw 5-7 kg, but do not "sit" on a diet of the sweetest fruits (grapes), because excessive exposure to sugar will lead to fatty deposits.

Diets based on fruits are mono-diets and mixed diets.

During a mono-diet, one type of fruit is allowed to be consumed on the same day. During mixed diets, fruits can be combined, and sometimes even allowed to consume dairy products or lean meat


Vegetable diets

Summer vegetable diets are most often a week of week on vegetables. The consumption of vegetables improves the microflora and intestinal motility, saturates vitamins, minerals and all the necessary proteins, carbohydrates and fats. There are several rules for the most effective summer vegetable diet:

  1. We prepare various vegetable salads, filling them with olive oil (always), lemon juice, spices. No mayonnaise and sauces, and also do without salt.
  2. Vegetables are best eaten in a stewed, boiled and baked form, so they are easier to digest.
  3. Vegetable diet should be adjusted to the lunar calendar. Lose weight on the waning moon!

Salad Diet

One of the best summer diets is not without reason is a salad diet. Of course, salads should be on your table not only all summer, but the whole year. However, a salad diet is a special meal, designed for two weeks.

  1. The first week - breakfast with fruit salad, seasoned with low-fat yogurt. Before breakfast, you must drink a glass of water with a lemon for half an hour. For lunch and dinner, cook on a vegetable salad. Salads are filled with olive oil and lemon juice. For a day you need to drink 1 liter of 1% kefir.
  2. The second week - eat all the same, but twice a week you can afford a piece of boiled meat without salt. In addition, you should drink green tea and clean water. And your portions should be the size of your palm.

Lose weight in summer even those who do not sit on diets. After all, absolutely everything at this time move more, breathe fresh air, are in the open sun and metabolism accordingly in the summer accelerates. If you add to the physiological processes are not the most difficult diet, the result will not leave offended.