Nuclear strikes and terrible pandemics: shocking predictions of John the Theologian

One of the books of the New Testament describes the shocking events of the end of the world, which will take place in 2020 ...

The gift of providence helped meaningful sages, philosophers and clergymen of the past see pictures of the future that will become real after centuries or even millennia. Sometimes their frightening predictions are shocked by their detailed correspondence to the events taking place in the modern world. The most ancient and accurate prediction of the coming Apocalypse belongs to a man who called himself John and wrote the last book of the New Testament. The revelation of John the Theologian is devoted to the details of cataclysms and miracles before the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, the waiting of which is not so long.

The Amazing Personality of John the Theologian

Who was John with such a strong providence? In the Book of Him, he modestly calls "just John, who lived on the island of Patmos, when the first vision came."

"For the word of God and for the testimony of Jesus Christ, I heard behind me a loud voice, like a trumpet, which said: I am Alpha and Omega, the First and the Last; what you see, write to the book. "
This is stated in the first part of the Revelation. John the Theologian is the only one of the twelve apostles of Christ who died his death. In addition to the predictions, he wrote the Gospel, 1 st, 2 nd and 3 rd Epistle of John.

Religious writers often mention the wonderful gift of resurrection given by God to John. Even cases of mass resurrection of people by the apostle are known: for example, during the feast in honor of the goddess Artemis, he accused participants of the procession in idolatry, and they stoned him. John was angry and sent such terrible heat that more than 200 people died. Hearing the weeping of their relatives, he resurrected the dead, and they adopted Christianity.

Returning to the island of Patmos along with the pupil Prokhor, the apostle retired to a high mountain and prayed there for three days and fasted. There was a thunder and a voice from heaven indicated to John on the cave in which he had to spend ten days, during which Prokhor would record the revelations of the Lord transmitting them from the mouth of the Theologian. Predictions written by the disciple are also called the Apocalypse, because they reveal the details of the future end of the world.

What will be the Apocalypse predicted by John?

John in his Revelation wrote:

"And I was in great terror, and I saw great powers, and an angel of God, who explained to me everything I saw and heard."

The resulting book on stylistics differs from other works of the apostle, which serves as an indisputable proof of the fact that through his body the voice of God was broadcast. Apocalypse is the most mysterious and difficult prediction for an ordinary person, but it attracts the attention of even skeptics and atheists.

Blessed Jerome, stricken with texts with the prophecies of the Theologian, said:

"There are as many mysteries as there are words. But what am I saying? Every praise of this book will be below its dignity. "

Of course, John could not be familiar with modern scientific terms, but from his descriptions one can understand what phenomena preceding the Apocalypse he meant. The first of them came true in 1986 at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant during the technogenic catastrophe at the nuclear reactor.

"The third angel sounded, and a great star fell from the sky, burning like a lamp, and fell on a third of the rivers and springs of water. Name this wormhole; and a third of the waters became wormwood, and many of the people died from the waters, because they became bitter. "
Chernobyl is a sort of wormwood, so it's possible to interpret the prediction quite clearly.

Even more surprising is the terrorist attack with twin towers in 2001, which fell into the Book of the Theologian as "the fall of Babylon."

"All people from the world of commerce are watching how the city perishes, in fact, subordinated to itself the rest of the world due to the fact that it concentrated the main financial flows."
The Apocalypse lists strange figures: after the terrorist attack in America, it turned out that they coincide with the list of losses of the main traders of the New York Stock Exchange. The apostle explains:
"Kara comprehended the city for the fact that the merchants were grandees of the land, and by magic they deceived all the nations."

The bulk of the predictions are concentrated around the field of the final battle between good and evil. The moment during which Jesus will fight Satan for human souls is called John Armageddon. Its precursors will be natural disasters: global warming and outbreaks in the sun. John says that the heat will bring down to the people's heads the strongest downpours and winds, because of which thousands of inhabitants of the Earth will die.

Even today, he can be confirmed by evidence: tornadoes, floods and snow storms in Africa and Turkey a few years ago seemed impossible, but now they happen more often. The theologian predicted and the thinning of the ozone layer caused by human civilization, because of which "the hands and bodies of people will be covered with ulcers." Physicians since 2011 are sounding the alarm: almost every month the percentage of cancer skin tumors increases, which are quite similar to the ulcers of Revelation.

The apocalypse begins with the sounds of the first Angel's pipe, announcing that "not only the human skin, but also trees, houses and entire cities will be burned out by the heat." We can say that they have already sounded: every year the forests are lit and the heat waves are falling on the world's largest megacities. The sound of the second angel's pipes will be heard by the planet by 2020, when the planet enters the phase of seismic activity.

"All the mountains will tremble and be thrown into the sea - and now the third part of the sea has become blood, and the third part of the animated creatures living in the sea died, and the third part of the ships perished."

To finish the Apocalypse begun with earthquakes and volcanic eruptions is destined to sulfur rain and pitch darkness. The book says:

"At the same time, dozens and hundreds of large volcanoes will be poured out, the land will be flooded with lava, and the sky will be closed for many years with thick volcanic ash clouds. On earth, darkness reigns, illuminated by the glowing magma from below and flashes of lightning from above. Those who dare to appear on the surface, will be under the skin corrosive to the rain from sulfuric acid. "

Those who survive will be killed by nuclear strikes. But they will not be a consequence of the war of peoples against each other: clouds of plasma will penetrate the thin ozone layer and fly to Earth to complete the destruction of human civilization. The "terrible pandemics" mentioned by the Theologian are similar to those caused by radioactive irradiation from an ultraviolet overdose. Will people be saved from such divine wrath and continue their race - a question that will remain open ...