Assorted solyanka - delicious recipes for a hearty dish of meat, sausage or fish

Solyanka team - a hot first course, cooked on a strong broth with the addition of seasonings. Traditional Russian soup of three kinds: mushroom, meat or fish, combines the acid of cabbage soup, pickle salinity and spicy greens. Fortress cooks gave Russian culinary a fundamental invention with perfect technology.

National hodgepodge - classic recipe

Solyanka team - a recipe in which traditional for the Russian table treats: meat and sausages, cabbage and pickles, fresh herbs. Such different components, fastened with a welded base, seasoned with citrus juice and served under the name "peasant" - the soup of the peasant, which later passed to the tables of the nobility.



  1. Add the boiled brine to the broth.
  2. Cut the ham, breast and beef, the vegetable components with the same cubes and place in the liquid.
  3. Add the spices and sour cream, and hold on the fire for about a quarter of an hour, not allowing to boil.
  4. Finished solyanka team dressed with lemon juice and capers.

The recipe for a meatball team

Solyanka team - a traditional tavern spicy thick soup, saturated with rich ingredients: veal on the bone for the base, ham, poultry meat and corned beef. One plate of this brew was a full-fledged lunch for the whole day. Basic components of a dish can be varied at one's discretion from time to time changing the final taste.



  1. Before you prepare a hodgepodge of prefabricated meat, cook the stall using a brisket, chicken breast, carrots and hot pepper.
  2. Stir fried onions with chopped tomatoes and sweet pepper and send to cook.
  3. Cut the ham and the breast into cubes, cucumber into small pieces and place in a saucepan.
  4. Ready soup, season with lemon and parsley.

Solyanka national team with sausage

The centuries-old tavern soup has transformed and mutated. Modern housewives use financially convenient products and do not spend a lot of time on a strong broth without sacrificing taste, as available sausages will replace meat on bones and will sate hot with smoked aroma.



  1. Fry the first four with liquid.
  2. Shredded vegetables are soaked in oil with the addition of pasta.
  3. Preparation of the saltwort team will take no more than a quarter of an hour, so follow the meat, send vegetables.
  4. Finish the dish with sliced ​​olives.

Solyanka national team with potatoes

Solyanka prefabricated meat - recipe with potatoes - home version, invented by housewives for density and viscosity. This option is not too similar to the classical version, but also has the right to exist, especially since all the beloved vegetable will add nutrients and taste, for a long time perebaryvaya feeling of hunger and warming in the cold.



  1. For the saltwort team will need a base, cooked from pork and chicken fillet.
  2. Prepared pork, sausage, fillets, sausages and vegetable products fill with liquid.
  3. Cook the soup to the softness of the potatoes, add the sauce, olives.

Homemade hodgepodge with smoked meat - recipe

Soup-hodgepodge team with smoked platter - the most delicious version of hot spicy first. It will require a variety of ingredients: sharp sausages, offal in the form of a liver or tongue, boiled meat. Such delicacies not only enrich the taste, but also translate the rural soup into the category of restaurant treats.



  1. Before preparing the hodgepodge team, cook the ribs for an hour.
  2. Cut all ingredients with straws and fry in different pan.
  3. Place the products in a decoction, pour in the brine and cook for 20 minutes.

Solyanka mushroom picking

For the salted mushroom picking of mushrooms, no specific technology is required. Act on the hint, combining your favorite fresh mushrooms with pickled, throw a couple of meat ingredients, season with tomato sauce with a drop of lemon and the dish is ready. To make the broth flavorfully will help forest gifts, both in dried and frozen.



  1. Cut the prepared mushrooms, meat and vegetable billets.
  2. Fry all the elements together, pour liquid, put the sauce and cook for a quarter of an hour.
  3. Ready-made ham fillet meat with mushrooms dressed with fresh herbs and citrus slices.

Solyanka fish team

Who would have thought that the ear would become the ancestor of this hot one. After all, the fish version appeared first. Having undergone changes, the originally Russian food from several varieties of fish, seasoned with capers and tomatoes, acquired a rich flavor and aroma. The latter characteristics are particularly pronounced if two types of fish are used: fat and lean.



  1. Before preparing a hodgepodge of fish, make a fish broth.
  2. Fish and pickles, cut and cook, putting the pasta and pickle.
  3. Fill the hotter with the last pair of ingredients.

National team hodgepodge in the multivark

Of the three varieties of hot soup, the most popular of all is meat. The food with a rich history is most pleasantly cooked in modern technology - multivark, allowing you to throw off all the hardships of cooking from your shoulders, relying on a gadget. A simple solyanka recipe for the team will take no more than an hour, and a wonderful aftertaste will last for the whole day.



  1. The first pair of crushed products from the list, cook in the "Frying" mode.
  2. Add the rest of the products, fill with a liter of liquid, turn on the "Soup" mode and after half an hour enjoy the food.